Help me! DIY solar freeflight

Started by prabal276, May 17, 2016, 05:20:16 PM

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There is a major interschool project of ours in the end of july.
I know it is a little early but it is better to start off early.
Objective: To build a solar powered free flight glider.
I am starting from scratch and plan on using DC 'toy' motors as the project has to be submitted. (no scope for brushless motors)
The school can fund upto 2000 rs and i can get 2000 more myself.
Please help me.
I ve gone through the solar plane build thread by aneesh bhaiya but that's a big plane. mine has to be small.
In this situation; assume that i am a complete newbie.
Thanks in advance


Are there any size restriction?

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Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager



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Karthick Ashwath

Maybe you can use helium (just a wee bit of it) and make your project much easier
Or if you are willing to take risk, H2 :-)
Just make sure that there are no lipos around.
Maybe you can put some of it in a bottle and build your plane around it.

All the best
Volantex Phoenix v2 2000mm
Lunchbox Chuck Glider (best flight 22s)
EaKa-1 WonderTube Trainer- Success!
Boat: DIY Catamaran Airboat


Ill see. Thanks btw.

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Voice of deaf

Weight is crucial.
Make the wing and fuse as light as possible.
And try to down gear the motor. And a bigger prop may help in thrust.
Born for FPV, Forced to LOS.

K K Iyer

The simplest solution is a balloon filled with just enough helium to float in the shade.
When exposed to the sun, it will take off!

Perhaps the rules are more complicated. Can you share them?


Sir; it has to be a project on efficient resorce use. No specific guidelines.
Only rule: it should fly on solar power at a low cost. Our team is the rule breaker and should just fly. I dont require any rc control. The power generated by the panels are to be sufficient to drive the motor and fly the plane through a football ground. Thats it.

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We need to decide the power system thatll be used and i have decided that a clark-y wing will be good.(hot wired).the fuse will also be made out of hd thermocole and similar to that of the solar impulse 2.

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initially im my project for testing cells ----1 cell is cut into 3 parts and thats giving 1/3rd the rated current
that means for using it as a 2s u need 8.4v around--(.56v each cell)--u need 15 cells-ie 15 cut cells=5 new cells-700-800rs(rc hyderabad)
each cell is 12.5x12.5cm  ie 12.5x5=.625m wing span and with a minimum chord of 14-15cm
each can give u a rated current of 1.75amps (tested)(9.30am-1pm mostly)
each cell weighs 8grms--40g
tabbing wirs around 10g

All u need to do is build a .7m or more depron wing and cello tape or transparent sheeting -to stick solar cells
keep a balsa stick or cf as body
depron sheet tail with micro servos or actuators

and most importantly a good coreless brushed motor geared setup-(this im not sure) and mini reciever and esc(a single mini chip models)

let me know your views
plane posted weighs around 200grms(2 bottles as fuse(50g))



what if i want to use a rewired brushless hextronic 24gm blue wonder?
Thanks for your help sir.
AS the project is to be submitted;
it HAS to be non-rc.
i can put in a arduino nano if required.

Voice of deaf

Why not go for this

Born for FPV, Forced to LOS.


i was thinking of some thing like this

may be a little bigger than this

else if u can get any mini helicopter, u can use that power system  ;)


Wont my hextronic work??

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Its fine
but it consumes more current 7.5amp
u also need an esc which needs either a aurdino or reciever

but if u can use a brushed motor -u can directly connect solar cells to motor

one thing i can't get
if its a free flight competition, how to stop the plane after it reaches end point and correct the direction/altitude


Its not a free flight competition. Its just to keep prices low. Ill program a arduino nano to cut off power to motor in a given time.

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Which brushed motor should i use??

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Well, how would you make your hextronik work without needing an esc and a servo tester?

The one which Aneesh bhai has pointed will work if you just connect it directly to an power source.
Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager


Ok. The hk one na?

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im not sure about which brushed motor  

search for resources nearby or any online store
or what u can do is buy a cheapest heli or flying balls
like this,56m&otracker=product_breadCrumbs_OGO%20Remote%20Control%20Toys

and use its propulsion system -- or use entire set with chip so you can switch it on off with remote itself ;)


but make sure whether its uses a 1s or a 2s battery and plane ur wing size accordingly


aneesh bhaiya;
i wish to do something like this.

can i achieve 4 amperes from the panels in any way?


its tough
if u use a 1.3m wing -u can try parallel connection between each wing
that gives u a 3.5amp
but using components in between motor and solar cells will decrease the power


it will. yes.
But how'll the tiny heli motors be able to propel a large plane?


consider a mini metal helicopter -it has more than 1:1 t/w ratio
it will also barely lift if u can add some 50-60 grms weight
consider this 100 gram as ur wing+solarcells+body

this heli propulsion wont be lifting ur plane vertically up but is possible to maintain a leveled flight

one more point is most mini helicopters use only 1s 300mah kind batteries so u can go with 3 solar cells (40cm wing)

i hope this can work out fine if u can build using balsa (a 50cm balsa wing weighs around 30grms(in my initail designs))
