Help me! DIY solar freeflight

Started by prabal276, May 17, 2016, 05:20:16 PM

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Did you mean 400mm wing?

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Which props do i use if i get the helicopter and strip off the motors? And what combi of dolar cells i use then to get 3.7volts?

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Voice of deaf

8 solar cells in series
here its the data.
Each cell could give 0.5 volt
and 5 ampere.
To get 4v thats equal to a charged 1cell lipo.
You will need to connect 8 cells to get 4v and 5a.
Please see the motor specs to avoid magic smoke.
Born for FPV, Forced to LOS.



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use the same that comes with the helicopter
many have 2 counter rotating props to cancel moment
it would be hard to attach new props


harshit batra

Quote from: prabal276 on May 23, 2016, 04:19:02 PM
i remove the counters?
you cant remove the counters there is a whole assembly of gears and two diffrent shafts passing from inside. If you want to use these type of helis to obtain motor and prop there is one variety in these, that comes with a tail motor also it has a gear box and i think 4 inch prop also .i have once removed that and used when i was not introduced to rc in a attempt to make a plane that motor has pretty much power with 1s also(which i used) may be that can be operated on 2s also but not sure.


I would remove the props only.

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Voice of deaf

If you want to salvage parts from toy heli, then dont buy the coaxial ones
Born for FPV, Forced to LOS.


Voice of deaf


anything like this .
Cheaper and easier for the mission.
Born for FPV, Forced to LOS.


where do i get that kind of a heli now?


you need to search for that. I got mine at cmr shopping mall in 2011 for 600rs, similar to the one posted


i made this during my intermediate. Make a better aerodynamic body,use a set of counter rotating props instead of one prop(gives comparably more thrust and will have more sizes to chose from),instead of battery use solar cells.



Quote from: Aneesh.P on May 28, 2016, 09:32:26 PM
use a set of counter rotating props instead of one prop
I did not quite understand bhaiya. Can you please explain again?


kiran rc

The factors which will depend your flight are:

  • Dihedral
  • angle of incidence and attack
  • wing loading
While building an airframe, keep the dihedral high and the wingloading low. How is the airframe going to be? Profile, full fuse or stick type?
I would prefer going with a single propelled engine at it has lots of advantages. Overall weight could be reduced which in turn would reduce the wing loading and the total current drawn would be halved compared to dual engine. Minimising the weight would give you slower and decent flights. Increasing the wing loading might help you in the situations of strong wind gusts while flying outdoors. As you are going for a smaller size, the wing loading should be minimised or else it might be too fast for an eyesight to catch it up!
BTW, how is the flight going to end? As its based on solar, if sufficient amount of current is supplied, then it might go on for ever until the sun shades it away!


Ill time it using an arduino nano. Now. What motor do i use?. If a helicopter; which to buy and where

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kiran rc

First let me know the dimensions. Is you wingspan going to be 400mm? and is it going to be a full fuselage type?

Voice of deaf

Rediffshopping .
have some ,
especially delhi haat seller.
Call me
Born for FPV, Forced to LOS.


Voice of deaf

Born for FPV, Forced to LOS.


i have decided that ill use 4 core less dc motors with prop from ebay.
they are 0.2 amp each and require 3.4-4.2 volt.
My aim would be to build the glider as light as possible with all the accessories and achieve a non powered glide.
i could then switch on the motors to keep it in the air.
Now; how do i cut the solar panels and in what combination do i attach them?
Plus; where to get tabbing wire?


For the tabbing wire search for it on eBay. You can watch YouTube videos to learn tabbing. You can also learn how to cut the solar panels for the perfect combination. You should cut 4 parts of one solar panel, that way you will get 1-1.5 amps the voltage ratings of the solar panels are .5v, you would require 8 parts to get 4volts. You can get your solar panels from you'd better off getting the 5 panels combo.

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