RC India

RC Models => Self-designed, DIY and College Projects => Topic started by: Dharmik on February 20, 2012, 10:25:52 PM

Title: KKmulticopter Flash Tool V0.60 Beta 4
Post by: Dharmik on February 20, 2012, 10:25:52 PM
Good news for multirotor lovers. LZ has released new version of flash tool where you can change gyro gain direction directly from UI without tx. You can even change pots direction same way as well as RESET EEProm function without affecting current firmware. Check here
Change log
- GUI improvements.
- User setting can be read form EEprom, edited and saved back to the board.
- EEprom can be erased for all firmwares. So you can now reset your kkmulticopter board to defaults. This will not erase installed firmware, only settings in EEProm are affected.
- erasing lockbit added to flash HobbyKing Multi-Rotor Control Board V3.0
- bug that prevented lockbit erasion on ATmega48pa based boards fixed.
- new avrdude for Mac and Linux. Schould solve AVRisp problems.