Perpetual Oceanic flight: Airploat One.

Started by avian, January 31, 2018, 05:04:34 AM

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Quote from: Aravind298 on February 04, 2018, 03:44:38 PM
Research on fusion reaction is going on, vigorously. Since hydrogen is an abundant element, we can equate it to infinity.

Meant we can relate the hydrogen reserves to infinity.


Nope, like anything hydrogen is far more limited than you are likely to imagine.
A Dozen Scratch Built Models , 
VT-Speedster Pro
55' UAV Wing
Model  Rocketry


Well, I was not talking about our little earth buddy. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in this Universe. It's about how we're able to utilize it.


But that is not possible bro, to harvest energy from space unless you live there.
A Dozen Scratch Built Models , 
VT-Speedster Pro
55' UAV Wing
Model  Rocketry


This drifted very far from the project description, which itself is not very clear. Care to elaborate sir?
Amateur photographer ... DIY enthusiast ... Scratch Builder... Student-Innovator



First: Thanks for all your relevant and irrelevant input, (making this topic red painted for some reason)  I never went into detail with the albatross.  I just wanted to point out that if the albatross is out there generation after generation for how many million years?, we all must have missed something....

As I stated above the model is in constant change, and the most current image is on the second directory link, showing how Airploat One would look with Wing-sails reefed (planned 2-B automatic system with failure recovery).

This is a poor mans scrap re-use project, I am designing my work without pay on a "third mile" laptop. using  free software such as Blender 3D on Linux.
For electronics I will use Free Hardware and software such as Arduino.
For The "fuselage" I will use an old 2B scrapped smallish GRP sailboath hull. For Masts I plan 2 use Scaffolding Aluminium parts. Some parts will have to be designed and manufactured from scratch such as the motorized mast Climber. However, at least in the RC universe these parts can be designed for functional 3D printout. 
For Wings I  will try to use Donated Light weight Aluminum Construction ladders together with foam.    will it be airworthy ? 
For the RC model this compares to 3D-printed plastics I have designed these with Blender 3D.
For the RC model I plan the wing sails to be made from Pro-pylene cups from McDonalds or similar. The real life wing-sails are planned 2 B from composite since  the four wings need to:
Morph with the help of the wind and also be sturdy enough to keep up and stabilize the upper Construction ladder Airfoil (with props and motors) that in turn is meant to squeese the wing-sails into an electronically negotiated  sail trim..

I will post pictures continuously  of my development, and if interest continues I will put out all of my development files for people to use as they wish.   
windows Explorer stopped working at the library...

posting pics later... 


Keep up the good work. Learn from the critics, if it's worth learning; else just ignore them!


Also, since you're out of India, reach out to people in RC at your place. Surely, there will be people to help you.


The pics I have to show:
1: This is my camera focusing on the dying shattered screen laptop with reflected flourescent bulbs presenting My cut-outs of regular airplane control surfaces.

2: A Blender 3D development of a geared  mast climbing box with torlon bearings to be used intertwined with two or three  other mechanisms
(Wingsail trim 2 wind at desired path of travel and Wingsail 4 stage electronic reefing mechanism)
repeated between 6 to eight times in the wingsail masts meet airfoils positions.

3. A construction ladder completely modelled in Blender 3D for use in airfoils development.


Quote from: topalle on February 04, 2018, 11:09:07 PM
This drifted very far from the project description, which itself is not very clear. Care to elaborate sir?

The topic is Oceanic perpetual flight Airploat one. As far as RC-India is concerned:
My project primary objective is to develop a seaworthy and silent flying machine that can travel far-far-away distances by sea without consuming gas for one thing, and  also make use of the Ocean breeze to maintain flight if not for take-off.   For personal safety, practicality and price concerns I find it useful to first make this mechanical "bird-fish" as an RC model, and later grow it to full size. As I plan to make it full size The RC model must simulate the full sized material properties as far as possible. I cannot use foam for instance because that would be too lightweight.

Even if this machine would only do shallow jumps above the oceanic ground effect zones and touch down to surf the waves with hydrofoils (not in place yet) this would be a personal success for me.

I hope this description s to satisfaction? 



Hey Avian! Can you explain the third picture? A ladder and an airfoils, I'm not able to understand. Thanks :)


The virtual ladders are still to be put in place to build up the wing surfaces. The RC model will incorporate 3d printed PLA miniature versions of standardized Aluminium construction ladders which I intend to use in conjunction with foam board and other suitable, affordable hydro-phoebic structures that can be found in every country for a fair price. I will use this method instead of trying to assemble ribs and spars.

Hope this clarifies somewhat. 



I decided to use  Youtube  for presenting Videos of my progress with Blender 3D and Air Ploat One development. Is there a better Video Service out there?

I am experimenting with Rigid body physics and virtual RC (in screen mouse controlled) Later I will try to make plugins for Blender 3D 2.76 to be able to design my Physical Arduino board based RC transmitter independently of the physical vessel.

Two weeks ago:



I will have to take at least a two week break from development of Airploat One now.
I will post more here when time is given.

At the current moment I am looking for Open and free linux based software that is easy and straight forward to quickly get into and use
for "collaborative project development on equal terms"  by a few willing voluntary hands on a global level.
I see an enormous growth potential and a trail of wealth by the end of the mirage that my dream of
a functional oceanic mechanical bird-fish farm tractor now is in process of creating. 

The  initial cause and idea to shape Air-Ploat One Awoke as our world quickly is shrinking and all see and feel a lot of social friction.
Also the commonly agreed upon 19 century economical ideas for socioeconomic development are quickly being played away with.   

Air-Ploat One development was initiated because we have a planet full of oxygen, water and life on every level.
Why not try to go out and make use of it all?
Myself I want to live in a world where every possible difference and diversity is considered as possible potential for social growth
and accepted as such.
On electronic social media networks I now present myself as


I want to go out and try to help colonize the latitudes and longitudes simply cause if not then we will quickly fill it all up with plastic garbage.
That is where I hope that Air-ploat One or a similar vessel will make a substantial difference. We can farm the Oceans
for different kinds of Seaweed for medical as well as other technological purposes.
We still know very little about the potential hidden under the surface of the sea.
Only today I discovered a fantastic development in algae batteries that they intend to put to use in phones and electric vehicles.
Or why not in RC vehicles? or Air-Ploat One?

Hope to continue this soon. Avian.


Most free and open offline collaboration tools out there are scattered around. Also none of the manifold Linux distros seems to have a focus on similar projects.
I've now decided to take time and gather free and open software on to a Linux live DVD or USB that directly caters for Project developments especially for small charities and NGOs that may assist offline personalities perhaps involved in other types of farm projects.
It will be another few weeks before I am back to post more about  the AirPloat One RC project in this thread.


@avian Are you currently working on it or did you stop it? The last post you made was on March 1 on the flight test forums.
A Dozen Scratch Built Models , 
VT-Speedster Pro
55' UAV Wing
Model  Rocketry