RC India

RC Models => Self-designed, DIY and College Projects => Topic started by: hemanthtguru on August 24, 2011, 03:38:23 PM

Title: TRI + TRI + QUAD = CO - HEXA --> Get ready for a new kind of multirotor
Post by: hemanthtguru on August 24, 2011, 03:38:23 PM
The sensors:

3 axis gyro + 3 axis accelerometers + 3 axis magnetometer  + BMP pressure sensor + Max 1260 High power sonar + G.P.S + 12 mile Two way telemetry + Costum I2C code = Ultimate Stability


The power system:

Turnigy Park450 motor 890 Kva


Pros of the motors:-

--> Good shaft diameter
--> Finishing is better than other turnigy motors
--> Generates 920 grams of trust with 10 X 4.7 props at 14 amps

Cons of the motors:-

--> Highly unusual type of mounting mechanism
--> Difficult to cut out the extra shaft length has it is very small

I will go on updating the post has and when my build approaches to final stages.........................
Title: Re: TRI + TRI + QUAD = CO - HEXA --> Get ready for a new kind multirotor
Post by: warriornair on August 24, 2011, 09:49:22 PM
any links with more details.....
Title: Re: TRI + TRI + QUAD = CO - HEXA --> Get ready for a new kind multirotor
Post by: hemanthtguru on August 24, 2011, 11:44:20 PM
I want to know if there are anymore sensors which i can add to the board, it supports IC2 splitting so i will have no probs adding more sensor if they are required...  
Title: Re: TRI + TRI + QUAD = CO - HEXA --> Get ready for a new kind multirotor
Post by: vineet on August 25, 2011, 12:45:38 AM
this is height  {:)}, plz brief detail.
Title: Re: TRI + TRI + QUAD = CO - HEXA --> Get ready for a new kind of multirotor
Post by: hemanthtguru on August 25, 2011, 08:22:12 AM
POST update -- 1
Title: Re: TRI + TRI + QUAD = CO - HEXA --> Get ready for a new kind of multirotor
Post by: hemanthtguru on August 29, 2011, 09:07:38 PM


Almost ready to roll, the center plate and primary electronics carrier goes together like this.....

The side view....


The top view....



I had some time so I thought to get creative so I made the SONAR MOUNT.....




Title: Re: TRI + TRI + QUAD = CO - HEXA --> Get ready for a new kind of multirotor
Post by: vineet on August 29, 2011, 09:16:41 PM
omg, waiting
Title: Re: TRI + TRI + QUAD = CO - HEXA --> Get ready for a new kind of multirotor
Post by: hemanthtguru on August 29, 2011, 09:19:49 PM
I will brief you about the electronics which I come to the programming part of the project, right now I am busy building the frame and mount for the electronics.

The electronics are too dam costly need to think of ways to protect them first....

and whats "omg"....
Title: Re: TRI + TRI + QUAD = CO - HEXA --> Get ready for a new kind of multirotor
Post by: vineet on August 29, 2011, 09:24:47 PM
it is a kind of reaction for the beauty and the electronics and complex three storey frame .

oh my god = omg
Title: Re: TRI + TRI + QUAD = CO - HEXA --> Get ready for a new kind of multirotor
Post by: hemanthtguru on September 10, 2011, 10:53:00 PM

Finally got the motors on to the arms


Mounting co - axial systems is plain taking job..



ESC wiring is going to take a lot out of my head


Some tips to make the design look neat...

Title: Re: TRI + TRI + QUAD = CO - HEXA --> Get ready for a new kind of multirotor
Post by: sunk? on September 10, 2011, 11:34:52 PM
hi mate.
this is complex!!!!!!!
will the motor wires go into the arms later?

very interesting.
Title: Re: TRI + TRI + QUAD = CO - HEXA --> Get ready for a new kind of multirotor
Post by: KALYANPRODHAN on September 11, 2011, 12:00:05 AM
You may add 2 Camera for Sterioscopic Vision. ;)
Lots of sensors are there if you want to various gas % like CO, CO2, N2 even dust, etc.

However, what will be your airframe without electronics and battery spec ?
Title: Re: TRI + TRI + QUAD = CO - HEXA --> Get ready for a new kind of multirotor
Post by: hemanthtguru on September 11, 2011, 08:19:51 AM
The wires are not going anywhere, i think i will just tube them and keep it on the arms itself...
Title: Re: TRI + TRI + QUAD = CO - HEXA --> Get ready for a new kind of multirotor
Post by: vineet on September 11, 2011, 09:06:25 AM
6 motors + 6 esc + receiver+lots of other electronics+battery+frame+wire+etc==  wonder?????