UAV development

Started by INFAMOUS, June 21, 2015, 01:19:57 PM

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Which application is this,

also see this

I did contribute to ver - 1

This page also has a lot of info on basic and advanced aerodynamics
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


The graphs are plotted using the tabulated data, which helps in assessing the them. Any erratic values could be spotted, so that necessary changes could be taken to counter the same.

Btw, still we do not know who you are.. Don't you think you can give a simple introduction of yourself!?


OH sorry really. I do not really know how things go on here.

My name is Muneeb Chougle and I have bidden seventeen years of life in this world. :giggle:
I hail from Andheri Mumbai. I lived abroad in the Gulf region for 15 years in various places. I came to India to pursue further studies - diploma in mech. engg.

Now as of my interests, I have always been interested in science and arts from an earlier age. And I as a person was always different from others . I was and am an ambivert [between extrovert and introvert] not very social. My mind wanders a lot and I often question things.

I am also very interested in computers and medical science but sadly I am unable to go into it. I read a lot of books . I only see real good movies mostly from Nolan like interstellar , inception so you must know what I am like.

As of my projects my first major one was a hydroelectricity generator which was successful . After which followed some failed projects. Then I bought a heli and researched about aeromodelling  . It was after that that I am embarked on a real difficult project which still hasen't  been completed and I will complete it after this one - an axial 6 stage turbojet engine. But I was limited by lack of availability of materials and 5 axis cnc milling machine.

There is lot more to say but I will wrap it here.
If there are any more queries pls ask away.  :thumbsup:


Do not mistake this place any different than your friendly/unfriendly [ie., how you treat them, will reflect back] neighbourhood, only the other difference is that we sit across wire/wireless gap. So basic etiquette of saying hello will put things in order, rather than barging in and say it is 'discouraging'... Lol, I will drop this word to this point only and won't pursue any further. Trust me, this is how we keep the trend rolling for 'troll's, here or elsewhere [but within some sense of society we live in]!

Please don't feel you are different from any others out here/there. Every being is special and unique in their ways and terms, and it is the very basic criteria thing to be 'the one' and not a photocopy. So don't get carried away in the 'pseudo limelight' or 'dark shadows' of it, just pursue which ever way your direction of perception drives.i.e.,  Keep your thoughts clean, trust me, that is all it takes to keep thing rolling/flying/swimming in the right attitude.

So you are a 'mech'. Nice to know that, but!! You are a mech, interested in computers & medical science, had made a successful hydroelectricity gen project (academic I guess!), now wants to make an UAV, that doesn't fly! :giggle:

And which type of heli you say you had? Also, there are a few turbojet project threads that are already up here, might help you pursue it further!? Dig it! This forum is quite huge and rich in content, and that was the main reason I registered and logged on after being anonymous reader for years!

Coming back to this topic, how much have you educated yourself in the field of model aviation? Have you tried the hands on a simple sim or like that before you decided to make an UAV for high altitudes? Very important step that many violates and then repent on it.

See, I started aeromodelling around 10-11yrs old, and am 38 now. But that doesn't make me a ~28yr experienced, but only ~28yr into. I or rather we (of my timers) didn't have the privilage of simulators as they were non-existent afaik. I could only pursue till the time I was in NCC, and bid it good bye until a year back. So my practical experience is limited to a few years hands-on, but it never got off my mind to forget or learn more about this part of science. I have worked on real estate projects and have solved issues related to HVAC that were mysterious for my peers, just because of my bit of know how's into aerodynamics. Like wise, my knowledge into electronics, programming, mech tinkering had its effects and is being a continuous process.. Ask any elderly folks, they will immediately carry the knowledge through a smile, that is because of their past memories. A few non-smile memories haunt too, so beware! Oops too much phil!

I have a question, from where did you dig that data? (:|~


So you are îñfä møüs else where too eh!? ID authenticated :giggle: :thumbsup:


I made that name my alias when I was in 9th standard.


Motocalc - software. extremely easy to use and saves lots of time. Even then I had to generate 100s of Inflight analysis reports of different powertrain combinations until I narrowed them to 3 powertrains.


I have a further question.
I am confused as to how I am going to build an airframe. correct me if I am wrong.

I will use carbon fiber ribs in the wings and formers in the fuselage with carbon fiber spars going all through them.
But I am not able to find a suitable skin for it.
I will probably reinforce the skin with carbon fiber or glass fiber or if possible Kevlar from hobbyking.

And my wing will probably be a slightly forward swept semi symmetric Clark Y wing located at three forths length of the fuselage with inverted v-tail for the stabilizers and canards at the front.
This could be bizarre but i think it would work .


I will share the blueprint as soon as Complete it



after all the research (on you, when i say that i mean 100% of it) ! i've got only one advice! stay out of FPV / UAV. i can assure you, if you do, you are heading for trouble.

Just do plain aeromodelling as a hobby, finish your studies. This bug can be very addictive and it will reflect on your studies grades and future.

Rest is upto you, i am signing off, done advising
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


FPV is just a camera module attached on the nose with a video transmitter WHICH WILL BE INSTALLED AT LATER STAGES, when primary objective of flight is completed .I have said this earlier and i say it again , it will not be on the initial stages.


So what exactly is the purpose of this UAV? What are you intending to do? Without a purpose, nothing is pursued right?!

I second Gusty [@rcpilotacro] sir's advise here. Keep it simple, first learn to control a simple rc craft. We would also suggest start with a free-flight, to which many would say boring. But it will teach a lot of nuances that no others can spoon feed you. It is better you get hold of a simulator, I strongly advise. Again! You cannot be a doctorate in any field without going through the schooling right?

What you are dreaming is not the way an aircraft or for that matter any craft is designed and built. It should have a problem to be solved, to be a solution, then you start shortlisting the available materials and sources, then you get to the drawing board. It will take a LOT of time, money and effort to DIY! Starting small and slow, is the key to success!

And FYI, FPV is not just a wireless camera system! There is more pain than the pleasure with it.. Again, don't waste too much time outside academics/primary life. Take your call accordingly..


thank you, sir. I will get hold of a radio and run simulators. lets just say that the uav is just the final product, and i am going to fly a small trainer first. You see the purpose of the UAV is simply that I could advance to more challenging projects slowly
just like first learning a park flyer instead of UAV . UAV will simply add to my achievements.






Well INFAMOUS.... you project as stated here is far too far fetched.... I am not sure of the cost of it with all that Glass Fiber and Carbon Fiber..... Well.. Sky is the limit in such cases.... Even seasoned aeromodellers will probably not go so ambitious in their model making......
Well I been into aeromodelling since I was in School....  and then been in the air for over 30 years.  Now looking to be back into aeromodelling full time...


Well people here are  two renders of the Endurance that I made on 3ds max. Took me two days to learn the basics, it was confusing :headscratch:
and three days to build the plane. I have completed an A1 sized blueprint with dimensions and it was really a though job. I wonder how tough it will be to move from paper to building it and then to flying it. Let me know if you want the blueprint or other perspective views.


I wonder how often the DGCA and other government agencies check our forum.


I dont think this would bother any international agency cause this is nothing but Indian government can get pretty worked up. And as this is the largest RC forum in India they may be keeping tabs.


Well these are they guys who get Aromodelling a bad name and apprehensions in mind of security agencies.... Hey young man come to the basics and be just an aeromodeller.... leave the designing and advance stuff to the guys who are supposed to do that.
Well I been into aeromodelling since I was in School....  and then been in the air for over 30 years.  Now looking to be back into aeromodelling full time...


@shobhit17 I agree to disagree to the point that leave it to the experts to do these things. Why should we simply leave all these things to the so called expers? Why should we wait for someone to do it? Why can't we do it? What is wrong in making a new design of uav's?

A note to the OP please put your build on hold until the rules are clear.
Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager


Yeah I will probably patent the blueprints and design, and approach the WPC WING of government for permission to operate this aircraft.

And as for leaving things for the experts, how did they become experts??? We have to go out of the way to become somethone extraordinary.
We have examples of genius men and women in history who did bizarre things and were successful.

for example take Thomas Alva Edison. He had over thousand patents for his inventions, didnt leave it to the experts, did he?? dropped out of school because teachers thought he was a fool. He did chemical experiments at the age of 12 - 13 and even put fire to car.

And you dont need to retort back saying I am not Edison.  


I really admire your dedication man!  :hatsoff:

You seem to be putting the right amount of effort in the right direction. I wish you loads of luck.
Do try a simple airplane before spending on the big thing to get a hang of the basics.


slick looking craft there.

couple of questions - where is the cg located.? - looks to be in front of the
leading of the wing

why the swept forward wings ?  you could use conventional swept back or straight wings
that way - you will get a longer tail moment while also retaing the CG at a safe place in relation
to wing chord.

canards are too small

did you run virtual simulation of the design to validate aerodynamic intregrity ?


Well.... BIG WORDS indeed.... Thomas Alva Edison and people like him are all history, when a so called not well studied man with his common sense could do a lot.... Today designing an aeroplane is BIG business and needs a lot of research and study.... You building a UAV too will need a hell lot of Aerodynamics and material science to get the right material and the correct electronics of the what you call the UAV.  If it was so simple India with its large population could have been the world's leader in UAV export...  What we buy in the market from whoever is not of reliable performance..... the reliability required for something like a costly UAV needs to be extremely high..

As you say you are a nubee... like most experienced people here.... nearly all men worth their aeromodelling have been giving you the advice of going by easier and a simpler model..... latest example is the last line of Swapnil.... and earlier  rcpilotacro...... I am just not sure of your knowledge level about what you need to build this so called UAV.

Go easy and take the advice..... venturing into the "grey" territory is not advisable..... listen to rcpilotacro... Swapnil and may more out here.....

or else... you are not the first one to go BUST... on day one..... will just add to the statics of it.

Well I been into aeromodelling since I was in School....  and then been in the air for over 30 years.  Now looking to be back into aeromodelling full time...


Well I been into aeromodelling since I was in School....  and then been in the air for over 30 years.  Now looking to be back into aeromodelling full time...