UAV development

Started by INFAMOUS, June 21, 2015, 01:19:57 PM

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Greetings , folks.
It happens so that I want to build an RC uav fpv and this is my first, so i would really appreciate any info input.

I basically want to build an endurance UAV FPV capable of slow flying as well as little high speed flying [60- 80mph]over high altitudes.

I would prefer medium wing loading . With mid mounting or low mounting wings.
preferably straight wing . [no flying wing ]
I heard that Clark-Y airfoils are good for these types of planes.
Should I incorporate flaps?
the wing span preferably is 2 meters.
I will be rear mounting the engine.
I would like to use a 6s lipo and will probably place two or three in parallel to have 10000+ mah.

For the fpv a camera with 10+ optical zoom would be good.
With flying range of 10+ kilometers I think dragonlink is good for RC.
I don't know about the video yet.

So I could really use some help knowing airfoil shapes, wing shapes, air frame material , motor battery etc.


First of all welcome to RCI ...
I just want to know what is your budget for this project?
Because according ur budget we can suggest things..
And are you doing it alone or under any guidance....??



Well the budget could be around 50000 rupees, i will try to wrap it under a hundred thousand.

You could dub me 'He Who Walks Alone', a phrase taken from the book Inheritance.
Like Jason Bourne in the Bourne series or Adian Pearce from the Watchdogs but I would be glad if I had the guidance of Alfred and Fox from the Dark Knight triology or the company of Ronald and Hermione from Harry Potter.
I am usually solo in my endeavors , probably because I havent found someone with brains like me or someone as 'insane' as me would be the right expression.


Tank You tantragna.
That made an interesting read.
Yes. It might be illegal in here but the thing is I am not just looking for fun flying. Completing this project successfully will enable me to proceed to more challenging projects without people thinking about me as some insane git. People even think that doing this project is insanity.

So again i would appreciate help.

P.S. - I would be building my own design and it would be a little similar to the MQ-9 Reaper.


hello Infamous ...

very refreshing and positive attitude ...

tell me - do you have a background in engineering or/and software ?

your budget is generous . and it is certainly possible ... however it is a tad ambitious
for a complete novice.

apart from the high speed flying part all your requirements could be met with a helium baloon
fitted with electric motors for vector control.(not as glamorous though )


Well... INFAMOUS..... what you are getting into is what may be the GREY area of the Law or the darker side.... Living in mumbai and trying to fly high altitude would be against all laws as you might be infringing into Civil aviation or Military airspace....  This could be big trouble if you happen to infringe it and may also be a potential hazard to actual flying.... Be sure where you stand on the Law before you even but the first item for this project.  Mumbai Airport and the Navy would not be soft on anyone infringing into the safety of Flying at your airfields.
Well I been into aeromodelling since I was in School....  and then been in the air for over 30 years.  Now looking to be back into aeromodelling full time...

Darshan for multirotors

Infamous I think you shouldn't go for fpv as it is your first build and you might not want to see your money falling of out the sky in broken pieces
Just a suggestion though
put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart


nevertheless i am going for it. @ saikat.


Quote from: shobhit17 on June 21, 2015, 08:37:20 PM
Well... INFAMOUS..... what you are getting into is what may be the GREY area of the Law or the darker side.... Living in mumbai and trying to fly high altitude would be against all laws as you might be infringing into Civil aviation or Military airspace....  This could be big trouble if you happen to infringe it and may also be a potential hazard to actual flying.... Be sure where you stand on the Law before you even but the first item for this project.  Mumbai Airport and the Navy would not be soft on anyone infringing into the safety of Flying at your airfields.

Well as i said in my earlier post, I am building a plane which DOES NOT REALLY NEED TO FLY!!!
The thing is it must be capable of flying. For demonstration I could do low altitude flights.
And if i really need to fly I wont be flying between skyscrapers of MUMBAI. I would go to Navi Mumbai or even farther in remote areas thus ensuring i dont cross any lines.


Quote from: Darshan for multirotors on June 21, 2015, 08:44:19 PM
Infamous I think you shouldn't go for fpv as it is your first build and you might not want to see your money falling of out the sky in broken pieces
Just a suggestion though

Well you see the first run will be without any fpv equipment.
FPV will be added at later stages.


Well..... All I can say is Best Wishes...... go and do as you please.
Well I been into aeromodelling since I was in School....  and then been in the air for over 30 years.  Now looking to be back into aeromodelling full time...


I was hopping to receive some guidelines and technical knowledge. Disappointed.


Dude INFAMOUS or whoever you are.. You are disappointed? Really? Btw who are you? we are not sure if you are a Anti-National Element trying smart to pick up help from legitimate hobbyists for technical know how's, especially there is a legal cloud hovering above to the sane minded hobbyists, put their hobby and lives in jeopardy?

By the way you are interacting, I can understand that you are a total newbie, who doesn't understand nor have the ability, nor the patience to achieve anything; forget making a UAV. I know this post is going to go through a tough scrutiny and a lot of critics too! But trust me, life is not a cake walk! That too over 'High Altitude' with no knowledge or effort to understand on how everything works! At ground level itself, there would be enough seasonal climate to knock off an average human (just found out today, when a gust of wind blew be away :giggle: I mean seriously I was knocked off my foot and was an ape for a moment on all my fours) and you want to fly a few kilos of untested, untrusted, uncertified, and god know what more un's there lies that is needed to make an airframe 'airworthy'.

Btw, can you explain the basic laws of flight? the opposing forces that makes an aircraft 'fly' (hint they are two opposing forces, and please I know you have google for it, but honestly did you know before you were 'Disappointed') Mr INFAMOUS (or whoever you are), the politeness ends with this post to help you out, honestly most of us wanted to help you.. but you blew it. Alas! Do you know the weather conditions at the 'high altitude'? or the effect on the craft you are trying to put it up there? I think you should google these and stop accusing people who are passionate in our 'hobby' and this platform was put up by one of us to network, help each other and educate newbies on the know how's, do's, dont's, what's, if's, but's and much more such..

So before you become more 'disappointed', be kind enough to train your brain to do a bit more of 'READING', on this forum, over the internet and something called 'BOOKS'. I know I am sounding like your parent, uncle, aunty, teachers, etc,.. trust me it really works like that. Just for your kind information, me being once upon a time a so called 'gold medalist' in a few national level aeromodelling competition a couple of decades back, am having tough time to put one simple RC plane in the air! So please put more 'EFFORT', 'LEARN', 'BUILD', 'FLY', CRASH & repeat! And even then, if you want to do it again, then come back and restart this wonder topic and we would be more than glad to help you! :thumbsup:

Some spellings ;)


And I totally forgot to tell you, that there are a few already successfully built, tried, tested UAV's who have shut shop (this is almost all over the world phenomenon, if you were not aware of it), after investing a few tens of lakhs, crores, or more and most of them were totally qualified in the field, and unlike yourself! To name atleast one, 'Asteria', google it!

Sorry for not being sorry to put it straight up your face like this, which is not anymore unlike you did to most of us with your 'disappointment'.



i wouldn't discourage you at all, while i still feel it needs to be regulated. remember some who are trying to caution you are doing so because (a) you are new to the forum, who are you? hasn't been established (b) They want to caution you of the dangers in this game, in their own way.

However, there are some who don't want you (or anyone) to become their competitor, less people in this, more is their say and demand ;) :) so you see all fingers aren't equal

Go right ahead and experiment ! there is plethora of knowledge out there, Dig Deep you will get it

Be advised, it ain't fraught with danger, don't get into shit !! that's all will be my advice
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


Quote from: tantragna on June 22, 2015, 09:45:41 PM
And I totally forgot to tell you, that there are a few already successfully built, tried, tested UAV's who have shut shop .....To name atleast one, 'Asteria'.


AFAIK Asteria is very much in the market, met and spoke to a guy who was part of the team which made Atom and Cygnus A-10 very recently
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


Well the word disappointed did work, sorry you had to go mad at me. And if I were a terrorist, i would have common sense not to leave any trace or make a legitimate appearance where anyone could track me.

And you are right, I have a knack of doing things which are beyond my capabilities. And i know this aint easy, trust me i have a history of failed projects [although i am just 7teen].

But you are wrong saying that i haven't got knowledge. You see , most of my time is spent on research.
And i read a LOT. I have read 100s of novels.

Pity I could not meet someone as experienced as you in person, since you live far away. :hatsoff:

P.S. - You make Infamous sound really bad. Dont take it literally. ;D


Can someone please scrutinize this data.

In-flight Analysis - Untitled
100m above Sea Level, 101.3kPa, 14.4°C

Motor: Turnigy G160-290; 290rpm/V; 1A no-load; 0.022 Ohms.
Battery: Great Planes Electrifly 5000 (est) (20C); 6 series x 4 parallel cells; 5000mAh @ 3.7V; 0.003 Ohms/cell.
Speed Control: Generic Brushless ESC; 0.006 Ohms; High rate.
Drive System: prop; 19x12 (Pconst=1.31; Tconst=0.936) direct drive.
Airframe: Great Planes Spectra; 75dm²; 3854g; 51.4g/dm²; Cd=0.046; Cl=0.48; Clopt=0.63; Clmax=1.11.
Stats: 402 W/kg in; 357 W/kg out; 9m/s stall; 11.9m/s opt @ 46% (350:57, 20°C); 13.7m/s level @ 52% (279:56, 20°C); 16.63m/s @ 90°; -1.04m/s @ -5°.

AirSpd   Drag   Lift  Batt Motor Motor  Input   Loss MGbOut MotGb Shaft   Prop Thrust  PSpd  Prop Total   Time
(m/s)    (g)    (g)  Amps  Amps Volts    (W)    (W)    (W) Ef(%) Ef(%)    RPM    (g) (m/s) Ef(%) Ef(%)  (m:s)

  0.0  0.000  0.000  72.3  72.3  21.4 1550.2  173.5 1376.7  88.8  85.8   5599   6830  28.4 0.000 0.000  16:36
  0.5  0.495   5.14  72.3  72.3  21.4 1550.2  173.5 1376.7  88.8  85.8   5599   6770  27.9  2.41  2.07  16:36
  1.0   1.98   20.6  72.3  72.3  21.4 1550.2  173.5 1376.7  88.8  85.8   5599   6710  27.4  4.78  4.10  16:36
  1.5   4.45   46.3  72.3  72.3  21.4 1550.4  173.6 1376.9  88.8  85.8   5599   6651  26.9  7.10  6.09  16:36
  2.0   7.91   82.3  72.4  72.4  21.4 1551.3  173.8 1377.5  88.8  85.8   5598   6594  26.4  9.38  8.05  16:35
  2.5   12.4    129  72.4  72.4  21.4 1552.3  174.1 1378.2  88.8  85.7   5598   6539  25.9  11.6  9.97  16:34
  3.0   17.8    185  72.5  72.5  21.4 1553.4  174.4 1379.0  88.8  85.7   5597   6483  25.4  13.8  11.9  16:34
  3.5   24.2    252  72.5  72.5  21.4 1554.6  174.7 1379.9  88.8  85.7   5596   6428  24.9  16.0  13.7  16:33
  4.0   31.7    329  72.6  72.6  21.4 1556.1  175.1 1380.9  88.7  85.7   5594   6374  24.4  18.1  15.5  16:32
  4.5   40.1    416  72.6  72.6  21.4 1557.3  175.5 1381.8  88.7  85.7   5593   6319  23.9  20.2  17.3  16:31
  5.0   49.5    514  72.7  72.7  21.4 1558.7  175.9 1382.8  88.7  85.7   5592   6264  23.4  22.2  19.0  16:30
  5.5   59.8    622  72.8  72.8  21.4 1560.0  176.2 1383.7  88.7  85.6   5591   6209  22.9  24.2  20.7  16:29
  6.0   71.2    740  72.8  72.8  21.4 1561.2  176.6 1384.6  88.7  85.6   5590   6154  22.4  26.1  22.4  16:29
  6.5   83.6    869  72.9  72.9  21.4 1562.4  176.9 1385.4  88.7  85.6   5589   6098  21.9  28.0  24.0  16:28
  7.0   96.9   1008  72.9  72.9  21.4 1563.4  177.2 1386.2  88.7  85.6   5588   6041  21.4  29.9  25.6  16:27
  7.5    111   1157  73.0  73.0  21.4 1564.1  177.4 1386.7  88.7  85.6   5587   5983  20.9  31.7  27.2  16:27
  8.0    127   1316  73.0  73.0  21.4 1564.7  177.6 1387.1  88.7  85.6   5587   5925  20.4  33.5  28.7  16:26
  8.5    143   1486  73.0  73.0  21.4 1565.2  177.7 1387.5  88.6  85.6   5586   5866  19.9  35.2  30.1  16:26
  9.0    160   1666  73.0  73.0  21.4 1565.3  177.8 1387.5  88.6  85.6   5586   5805  19.4  36.9  31.6  16:26
  9.5    179   1856  73.0  73.0  21.4 1564.4  177.5 1386.9  88.7  85.6   5587   5741  18.9  38.5  33.0  16:26
 10.0    198   2057  72.9  72.9  21.4 1562.3  176.9 1385.3  88.7  85.6   5589   5673  18.4  40.1  34.4  16:28
 10.5    218   2268  72.7  72.7  21.4 1558.7  175.9 1382.8  88.7  85.7   5592   5600  17.9  41.7  35.7  16:30
 11.0    239   2489  72.5  72.5  21.4 1553.8  174.6 1379.2  88.8  85.7   5596   5522  17.4  43.2  37.0  16:33
 11.5    262   2720  72.3  72.3  21.4 1549.4  173.4 1376.1  88.8  85.8   5600   5446  16.9  44.6  38.3  16:36
 12.0    285   2962  71.9  71.9  21.4 1541.8  171.3 1370.5  88.9  85.9   5606   5360  16.5  46.0  39.5  16:41
 12.5    309   3214  71.5  71.5  21.4 1532.9  168.9 1364.0  89.0  86.0   5614   5270  16.0  47.3  40.7  16:47
 13.0    334   3476  71.0  71.0  21.5 1522.6  166.2 1356.5  89.1  86.1   5622   5177  15.6  48.6  41.9  16:55
 13.5    361   3748  70.4  70.4  21.5 1511.0  163.1 1347.9  89.2  86.2   5632   5080  15.1  49.9  43.0  17:03
 14.0    388   4031  69.8  69.8  21.5 1498.0  159.8 1338.2  89.3  86.4   5642   4979  14.7  51.1  44.1  17:12
 14.5    416   4324  69.1  69.1  21.5 1483.8  156.3 1327.5  89.5  86.5   5654   4876  14.2  52.2  45.2  17:22
 15.0    445   4628  68.3  68.3  21.5 1468.1  152.4 1315.7  89.6  86.7   5666   4769  13.8  53.3  46.2  17:34
 15.5    475   4941  67.5  67.5  21.5 1451.0  148.4 1302.7  89.8  86.9   5679   4660  13.3  54.3  47.2  17:46
 16.0    506   5265  66.6  66.6  21.5 1432.7  144.2 1288.6  89.9  87.1   5693   4548  12.9  55.4  48.2  18:00
 16.5    539   5600  65.7  65.7  21.5 1413.0  139.8 1273.2  90.1  87.3   5708   4433  12.5  56.3  49.2  18:16
 17.0    572   5944  64.7  64.7  21.5 1391.6  135.1 1256.4  90.3  87.5   5724   4315  12.1  57.2  50.1  18:33
 17.5    606   6299  63.5  63.5  21.5 1367.8  130.2 1237.6  90.5  87.8   5741   4192  11.7  58.1  51.0  18:53
 18.0    641   6664  62.3  62.3  21.5 1341.3  124.9 1216.4  90.7  88.0   5759   4062  11.3  58.9  51.9  19:17
 18.5    677   7039  60.9  60.9  21.6 1312.5  119.4 1193.1  90.9  88.3   5779   3928  10.9  59.7  52.7  19:43
 19.0    714   7425  59.4  59.4  21.6 1280.9  113.6 1167.3  91.1  88.6   5800   3788  10.5  60.4  53.5  20:13
 19.5    752   7821  57.7  57.7  21.6 1247.0  107.7 1139.3  91.4  88.9   5822   3644  10.1  61.1  54.3  20:47
 20.0    791   8227  56.0  56.0  21.6 1210.3  101.7 1108.7  91.6  89.2   5845   3494  9.69  61.8  55.1  21:26
 20.5    831   8644  54.1  54.1  21.6 1171.2   95.6 1075.6  91.8  89.5   5870   3341  9.32  62.4  55.8  22:10
 21.0    872   9070  52.2  52.2  21.7 1129.5   89.5 1040.0  92.1  89.8   5895   3183  8.94  63.0  56.6  23:00
 21.5    914   9507  50.2  50.2  21.7 1087.4   83.1 1004.3  92.4  90.2   5923   3027  8.59  63.5  57.3  23:55
 22.0    957   9955  47.9  47.9  21.7 1040.1   77.2  962.9  92.6  90.5   5949   2860  8.22  64.0  57.9  25:02
 22.5   1001  10412  45.6  45.6  21.7  990.2   71.4  918.8  92.8  90.8   5976   2688  7.86  64.5  58.6  26:19
 23.0   1046  10880  43.1  43.1  21.7  937.7   65.7  872.0  93.0  91.1   6004   2513  7.50  65.0  59.2  27:50
 23.5   1092  11359  40.5  40.5  21.8  882.7   60.2  822.5  93.2  91.4   6033   2335  7.15  65.4  59.8  29:36
 24.0   1139  11847  37.8  37.8  21.8  825.0   54.9  770.1  93.3  91.7   6062   2154  6.79  65.8  60.3  31:43
 24.5   1187  12346  35.0  35.0  21.8  764.8   49.9  714.9  93.5  91.9   6092   1969  6.45  66.2  60.8  34:15
 25.0   1236  12855  32.1  32.1  21.9  701.9   45.2  656.7  93.6  92.1   6123   1782  6.10  66.5  61.3  37:23
 25.5   1286  13374  29.1  29.1  21.9  636.5   40.8  595.7  93.6  92.3   6154   1592  5.76  66.8  61.7  41:17
 26.0   1337  13904  25.9  25.9  21.9  568.5   36.8  531.7  93.5  92.4   6186   1400  5.42  67.1  62.0  46:17

Note: Motor performance calculations take ambient temperature and heating effects into account.


Quote from: rcpilotacro on June 22, 2015, 11:15:07 PM
;) :) so you see all fingers aren't equal
Gusty sir, got it ;) :D

Quote from: rcpilotacro on June 22, 2015, 11:24:04 PM

Quote from: tantragna on June 22, 2015, 09:45:41 PM
And I totally forgot to tell you, that there are a few already successfully built, tried, tested UAV's who have shut shop .....To name atleast one, 'Asteria'.


AFAIK Asteria is very much in the market, met and spoke to a guy who was part of the team which made Atom and Cygnus A-10 very recently
Sir I know they are still in, but the commercialisation is still no valid as we know it, and I know whom you met ;)

Quote from: INFAMOUS on June 22, 2015, 11:35:51 PM
Well the word disappointed did work, sorry you had to go mad at me. And if I were a terrorist, i would have common sense not to leave
any trace or make a legitimate appearance where anyone could track me.
Trust me, there are!! ;)

Quote from: INFAMOUS on June 22, 2015, 11:35:51 PM
And you are right, I have a knack of doing things which are beyond my capabilities. And i know this aint easy, trust me i have a history of failed projects [although i am just 7teen].

But you are wrong saying that i haven't got knowledge. You see , most of my time is spent on research.
And i read a LOT. I have read 100s of novels.
Most of the folks can make out what kind of the person is on the other side of the wire, in today's world. But the world is full of surprises, so caution is the keyword. With my limited experience, I could understand by your 'insane' words, that you are either a teen or stuck in teen [if you know what i mean ;) ]

Research is time consuming, and impatient cannot pursue it any further. Good to know that you love books. It is the best gift a human can get [only when it is/are a good one/few].

Quote from: INFAMOUS on June 22, 2015, 11:35:51 PM
Pity I could not meet someone as experienced as you in person, since you live far away. :hatsoff:

Oops, too much! :giggle:

Quote from: INFAMOUS on June 22, 2015, 11:35:51 PM
P.S. - You make Infamous sound really bad. Dont take it literally. ;D
Honestly, it did sound bad with your previous posts.. Chill dude, nothing's serious; till it isn't ;)

And coming to your last post, I need to do a lot of  :headscratch: Let me see how far myself, or others can decode here.. Good that such a thing got going, which is finally got me  :headscratch: 'ing

Good luck and for everyone's [hobbyist's] keep it 'SANE'!  :thumbsup:

Edit: got my reply in the wrong side of the quote..


Well.... Mr INFAMOUS..... I am not only disappointing by the bullheadedness of yours by not willing to learn and read between the lines all the learned people here are saying.... Well i guess its your way of making your own road.

I was more disappointing by the handle you have chosen.. being negative may be OK with some people today but being obnoxious is totally unacceptable to me... maybe my grey hairs come in the way of the new "infamous" generation which is coming up and mine which was indeed very famous.
Well I been into aeromodelling since I was in School....  and then been in the air for over 30 years.  Now looking to be back into aeromodelling full time...



Yeah that does make sense,I even have three axis graphs of the data which are harder to decipher.

I just wanted to know if the numbers seem legit and whether I could put a plane in the air based on given data. thats all.


This application is fantastic, these are the graphs but i usually go by the figures.