Arming problem

Started by Darshan for multirotors, May 20, 2016, 07:24:17 PM

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Darshan for multirotors

Hello guys,
I just got a new flysky th9x and I hooked it up to my multiwii and tried to arm it but it just wouldnt arm.
My connections from board to receiver
FC >> Rx
Ch1 -> Roll
Ch2 -> Pitch
Ch3 ->Throttle
Ch4 ->Yaw.
Now, on the GUI, everything responds correctly and the sticks move on the screen as I move them on my tx. But when I put my throttle to bottom right for arming, it shows the values changing on the multiwii GUI but the board actually doesnt arm and neither does the blue light on the FC go on.
And yes I have enabled -> #define ALLOW_ARM_DISARM_VIA_TX_YAW in the code
Any help would be appreciated!
PS- I tried moving the throttle stick to top left,top right, bottom left,etc but with no success.So that means no channel needs to be reversed.
I am trying to arm the motors in the pic(bottom right)
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Trim the YAW value to 1500, then try...

set all roll,pitch,yaw to 1500 using trim....