Auto pilot suggestions.

Started by ashimda, December 07, 2015, 09:03:04 PM

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I am planing to start a long range FPV project, and need suggestions from members who have been there, and done that.
I have settled on the Skywalker 1680 plane from FPVmodel, as my platform but need suggestion on a reliable flight controller.
Other equipment suggestions are welcome.



Feiyutech FY41AP

Or if budget is not a constraint then

Feiyutech Panda is the best
Cheers !!!
+91 7977382130


Thanks for the suggestion, why do you prefer the Feiyutech FY41AP over say the Apm 2.6. 


Feiyutech is easy to install and no programming required. It's more Plug and play. However APM is more powerful and versatile but too many parameters to maintain. Although stock settings may work fine.
Cheers !!!
+91 7977382130





Could you share your experiences briefly ?


briefly - very good . absolutely bullet proof reliability.
lacking waypoint navigation (i do not know about the latest ones ) may have introduced by now.


Quote from: saurabhhsrivastavaa on December 08, 2015, 04:34:42 AM
..APM is more powerful and versatile but too many parameters to maintain. Although stock settings may work fine.

Stock settings worked great for me.
I wouldn't say there are too many parameters. If you want better control over your craft you'd be glad all those parameters are there. And you don't ever need to change all of them. Do a test flight with stock settings and in the worst case you'll have to tweak at most 5 to 7 parameters.


Thanks guys for your experiences. The APM  appeals to me, mainly because of what it can do at its price point. The problem I find that may come into play, are the Telemetry radios on 433mhz. My plan is to use EZuhf for RC control which is on the same frequency.
I know 900mhz radios are available, but GSM is also there. Any advice on this ?


There's another problem. Even though the 'EZuhf' modules give a range of more than 1 km, the telemetry modules don't. So interference is a secondary problem. You could use a long range 2.4GHz control system with a long range 433MHz telemetry system or a long range 433MHz system with integrated telemetry.

Check this out:


Thanks for the link, good read and maybe something which can be tried after I gain some experience.
Has anybody used 900MHz radios here in India?