Can I use analog servos with Avionic x5

Started by dineashkumar, March 30, 2013, 12:43:23 PM

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thank you

i am having hiller 450 v3 & RCB 7x(how to setup gyro menu in rcb7x).
problem facing gyro mount
no space to mount
and just to check gyro working i connected the wires (without mountin the gyro)but once i switch on the heli starts beeping non stop?

and what will happen when i first connect the gyro?
Taranis | RD-210 | Dominator SE


thank you

i am having hiller 450 v3 & RCB 7x(how to setup gyro menu in rcb7x).
problem facing gyro mount
no space to mount
and just to check gyro working i connected the wires (without mountin the gyro)but once i switch on the heli starts beeping non stop?

and what will happen when i first connect the gyro?
Taranis | RD-210 | Dominator SE


ok there is no setting for gyro on rcb7x there are just few steps to follow ....first make a new model select helicopter then go to swash type select 1 servo normal....input select aux 2 -aux 2 ,gear change to gyro....after doing this in the function list u will get gyro menu rate0 30% rate 1 70% u can adjust this later rest all settings has to be done on gyro :thumbsup:
Wings are for wimps  :)-Mikado Logo/"OXY3  "/Scorpion Motors/Savox/JR PROPO/Spinblades/EDGE BLADES/KDE Direct/YEP/YGE/RJX/ GENS ACE Bavarian Demon-


thank you
and i have to start to set up in normal mode right not in stunt mode? right
Taranis | RD-210 | Dominator SE


as initial all your curves are linear yes u can start in normal just disconnect motor and also active throttle cut in the tx and just bring throttle cut curve to its lowest
Wings are for wimps  :)-Mikado Logo/"OXY3  "/Scorpion Motors/Savox/JR PROPO/Spinblades/EDGE BLADES/KDE Direct/YEP/YGE/RJX/ GENS ACE Bavarian Demon-


all setting in gyro from Ato J are regarding servo type and  mounting position position and tail setup after that is full head setup ...also as ur using v3 so there is a carbon fiber gyro mounting plate between the frames mount it there with wires facing backward
Wings are for wimps  :)-Mikado Logo/"OXY3  "/Scorpion Motors/Savox/JR PROPO/Spinblades/EDGE BLADES/KDE Direct/YEP/YGE/RJX/ GENS ACE Bavarian Demon-


Taranis | RD-210 | Dominator SE


Wings are for wimps  :)-Mikado Logo/"OXY3  "/Scorpion Motors/Savox/JR PROPO/Spinblades/EDGE BLADES/KDE Direct/YEP/YGE/RJX/ GENS ACE Bavarian Demon-



gyro wont fit in that gyro mount,
and in the sides its full of screws so confused,

the way u shown in the video and normal mounting position are the only way of mounting it?

thanks :headscratch:
Taranis | RD-210 | Dominator SE


HI try placing it on the bottom plate then but the frame is wide enough y wont it fit on the gyro mounting plate ?????....i use a pro so i can mount on the side or on the top  :P
Wings are for wimps  :)-Mikado Logo/"OXY3  "/Scorpion Motors/Savox/JR PROPO/Spinblades/EDGE BLADES/KDE Direct/YEP/YGE/RJX/ GENS ACE Bavarian Demon-


if u see the picture, there is no height to mount, gyro wont go inside,

in the sides lot of screws so i dont know how to fix it
Taranis | RD-210 | Dominator SE


u can mount it below the gyro plate on the bottom plate it is fine
Wings are for wimps  :)-Mikado Logo/"OXY3  "/Scorpion Motors/Savox/JR PROPO/Spinblades/EDGE BLADES/KDE Direct/YEP/YGE/RJX/ GENS ACE Bavarian Demon-


i placed my receiver there, i have to remove it and replace with gyro.


i have these doubts

a) what is the linkage rod length in FBL head for 450 sport?
b) before starting to config gyro, all servos should be centered and at midstick with 0 pitch ?(can i use subtrims in tx to adjust the servo to get leveled swash)

Taranis | RD-210 | Dominator SE


Wings are for wimps  :)-Mikado Logo/"OXY3  "/Scorpion Motors/Savox/JR PROPO/Spinblades/EDGE BLADES/KDE Direct/YEP/YGE/RJX/ GENS ACE Bavarian Demon-


thanks but i have leveling tool.

i was having FB head so in that servos are directly connected to receiver but here its different so what should i do for

leveling the servos at midstick?
Taranis | RD-210 | Dominator SE


gyro should be perfectly parallel to the heli?
if it is tilted little is there a problem?
Taranis | RD-210 | Dominator SE


Wings are for wimps  :)-Mikado Logo/"OXY3  "/Scorpion Motors/Savox/JR PROPO/Spinblades/EDGE BLADES/KDE Direct/YEP/YGE/RJX/ GENS ACE Bavarian Demon-



how should i connect the wire to X5?
brown on top and yellow on bottom ?

when i connect the x5 . my rudder input nothing changes in x5
Taranis | RD-210 | Dominator SE


and i tried my analog servos for cyclic and rudder both working fine with avionic x5 :thumbsup:
Taranis | RD-210 | Dominator SE



i have a problem in swash mix

mine is 450 v3

i selected 120
and selected 1 flash, all servos moving in same direction but at full stick there is full negative pitch and vice versa,
i tried other flashes but no getting proper direction. :banghead:

thank you
Taranis | RD-210 | Dominator SE


Without going into gyro programing make sure ur swash is travelling in the right direction left right front back if not then reverse the necessary servo.. After that go into programming and select swash type with appropriate flash
Wings are for wimps  :)-Mikado Logo/"OXY3  "/Scorpion Motors/Savox/JR PROPO/Spinblades/EDGE BLADES/KDE Direct/YEP/YGE/RJX/ GENS ACE Bavarian Demon-


Thank you, I will try it today...

Sent from my MB525 using Tapatalk 2
Taranis | RD-210 | Dominator SE


for hiller 450 v3 fbl conversion, do i need to change the servo to swash link lengths & is there any manual for setting up the length of the links?
servo to swash and swash to blade grip?
Taranis | RD-210 | Dominator SE


Yes download the align trex 450 sport manual from Internet
Wings are for wimps  :)-Mikado Logo/"OXY3  "/Scorpion Motors/Savox/JR PROPO/Spinblades/EDGE BLADES/KDE Direct/YEP/YGE/RJX/ GENS ACE Bavarian Demon-


The swash to blade grips linkage length has to be set by yourself by leveling swash at midstick and adjusting length to have 0degrees as blade angle on midstick
Wings are for wimps  :)-Mikado Logo/"OXY3  "/Scorpion Motors/Savox/JR PROPO/Spinblades/EDGE BLADES/KDE Direct/YEP/YGE/RJX/ GENS ACE Bavarian Demon-