E Sky 4 in 1 controller EK 2 0705 B replacement for E ky Lama ( 72 Mhz )

Started by rcforall, December 07, 2009, 08:22:01 AM

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We have received the E Sky 4 in 1 controller EK 2 0705 B :


Suitable for Brushed Motors

4 in 1 :

Possible application other than Lama 4 could be Quad Rotor

Any one interested could PM .

www.zuppa.io : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


Quote from: rcforall on December 07, 2009, 08:22:01 AM
Possible application other than Lama 4 could be Quad Rotor
can anybody tell how can this be used with a quadrotor and  what else would be required
Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th


hi ankur
best contact the seller.
4 motors working off this would need to still add to the total 'origional amp draw.
if this is the unit from the 'biglama' then they are 360 ish size motors.
but if from the lam v3 then they are onlt the smaller motors 180ish so 4 would blow the unit.....unless you used 'tail' motors as used for the direct drive tail of the honeybee fixed pitch. quite powerfull motors for the size but only a small quad would be possible, you would have to put 2 motors to each of the two throttle outputs then  there is 2 available servo pots.
I would seriousely advise a 7amp fuse between battery and 4 in 1 if doing this to save burning out the mossfits in the controler.

foot  note......just checked this is the lamav3 controler so the amp draw could be no greater than the 2 180 motors. you would need the gws dd motors and still use a fuse.


well this got a lot complicated
just tell me that if i use 4 gws edp-20 with 2510 prop then will it work
and what else would i require except battery
and what should be the size and target auw of it[the total thrust of gws edp-20 with 2510 props will be abt 120-130gms...]??
Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th


the total amp draw needs to be the same or less than 2 x 180 motors
1 motor (acording to site )
2.5 x 0.8 GWS   2 x 340mAh Li-Poly   0.305 amp   19000 revs   
so 4 x would be 1.22 amps
looks good  with this prop 2.5 x 0.8 GWS
but I am not expert
listed here
I would think seller has a setup in mind as he sugested this could be done, check back with them. :-)


hi mate,
what size target??
as light as possible.
you will need
a simple 'x' with carbon rod (poss 3mm) and small platform in middle with the battery, controlor (which is esc,gyro,reciever,mixer - for the 2 pairs of motors - ) and an esky 4ch tx to match the frequency of the 4 in 1.
sounds simple eh?        wonder why I have never done one ?


well the amps drawn by edp 10 at 7.2v is .305
the official link to gws edp 20 is
chk this out
this says that the amps drawn by a 180 size motor is 2-3amps,and even if we take the lower limit-2amps then for 2 it will become 4amps!
and the highest amp draw of gws edp20 is .79  with 2510 and 7.2v
so it will account to abt 3.2amps
and the thrust will be 90gms
so i think it should work
am i right??
and regarding the size-i think i should use 3mm cf rods and the quad should have arms of length 25 cm from the center
i was just wondering what should be the weight : thrust ratio of a quadrotor and thus what should be the target auw
and which battery and what else will be required?
please help me out with all this...
Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th


hi ankur
check out the specs on the ufo / quad rotor by
here is a pic of required rotation /layout

I have never done this type of craft.
if you google for quad rotor helicopter there are lots of sites where people are building these..........may give you some answers.
I would just go for the required componants and build as a bare frame.
then you can add covers etc depending on the performance
remember each 'leg' will require a 'down shaft' to land on :-):-) to protect the motors.


ok i will do but anyone just answer this question
what should be the weight : thrust ratio of a quadrotor and thus what should be the target auw
will it be same as helis - in that case what is it for helis >:D >:D  >:D
rest i think i'll handle
Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th


Quote from: ankur on March 28, 2010, 04:08:45 PM
ok i will do but anyone just answer this question
what should be the weight : thrust ratio of a quadrotor and thus what should be the target auw
will it be same as helis - in that case what is it for helis >:D >:D  >:D
rest i think i'll handle
well i wanna seriously build it
tell me what do i require
lets take that i use 4*edp 20 motors with 2510 props
i run two of them cw and two of them ccw and in ccw put the prop inverted which tuns it into pusher ...
then if i connect it to the receiver[tell me how to do so??] then just by doing it will it work
if not then what is the requirement

i think that i will have only two motor ports having a 2wire input in which i put a the set of cw in 1 and ccww in other-is it right?
in that case will i require servos and does it has a servo input??
if yes then will setting a normal evelon setup work??
or we will have to make two different aileron and elevator set-ups??

or will all 4 go in seperate channels and all work is easily sorted??

please help me out with all this..
Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th


hi mate.
there are 2 motor inputs and 2 'live' servo inputs

(just to confuse...there are 4 servo inputs but only 2 are live....if you are electricle you could make the other 2 live.) this would then be '6ch' :-)

ONE pair of motors in each input.
one pair of motors will need to be able to swivel to enable elv .........forward/back,
the mixer does left/right 'turn' as in a coaxial
and if desired the other pair of motor swivel to give ail........side way slide.


hi mate,
yes 2 motors into a 2 wire plug .
then 2 motor into a 2 wire plug again.
the motors are pluged direct into the controler......it is esc as well.......... and giro between the motors and reciever and mixer to adjust the speed of the 2 sets of motors,

as for ele and ail.............................
i wonder if a large 'rudder' under each motor would be suficiant to give forward/back and side slip left/right as is used on hovercraft to steer.............. may be easier than swiveling the motors.



Quote from: Sahevaan on April 05, 2010, 08:22:05 PM
Is it possible to remove or separate the gyro and ESC's ?
i dont know abt gyro and esc but it is possible to change the rx inside it to a frequency of ur requirements...
Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th


hi mate,
the esc,gyro and mixer are on one circut board,
the rx is seperate
if you get this unit there is no gain in trying to split the esc,gyro and mixer as they are all required,
just get a v-tail mixer and some esc's and a gyro and dont bother with this unit at all....