Elevator Servo problem

Started by Vinay Sahal, August 26, 2014, 09:29:12 PM

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Vinay Sahal

Hello All,

I have a skysurfer V3 and nose crashed it on my second flight after doing 3 flying rounds. The servos got displaced, while fixing I found out that elevator servo is making a screeching notice when moved down(Avionic 9g) Is there anyway to fix it or shall I go for a new one. Other thought which came to my mind is that I replace the servo for Rudder with elevator as I don't use rudder. But then I will have to control horns on other side of elevator. Is it OK to do so? Please suggest.


Quote from: Vinay Sahal on August 26, 2014, 09:29:12 PM
Hello All,

screeching notice when moved down(Avionic 9g)

there are few reasons which makes servo not work properly
i think it will be batter you replace servo with new one if you have e max than it will be batter avionic is good also, i use it

because in the air servo misbehave cost very much

i think you should not replace the servo for rudder with elevator

other prob could be is their any jam between the connection to the control surface , if it is their remove it and in that case servo respond smoothly then no need to remove servo

is their any flutter you notice on the control surface when you switch on the transmitter . and after some time flutter goes off .


Vinay Sahal

Dear Wingmanbunty,

I checked and there seems to be no jam on control surface. The servo moves forward but does not go backward. There is no no fluttering when powering on the TX.

Pls advise if there will be any problem in flying if I connect the Elevator control rod to Rudder on temporary basis as I don't use rudder.

Thanks for your reply.


@Vinay Sahal

i am flying my models without the rudder controls

that is you can fly only with elevator and ailerons it is practically possible

but friend i will not advise you to do that on sky surfer as i build my plane i do not know more about skysurfer.

if you put that control to rudder , you will get deflection of rudder in one direction ,  you should not do that  or not fly in that condition.

your servo is moving controls in the up direction than it seem their is no gear problem in the servo , you should check the transmitter setting

may be that could help

v2 eagle

a friend of mine had a similar problem with SS but its the aileron servo which is dead. since this happened after a crash, the gears might probably be broken.
1: you can replace the servo altogether if you can find it for sure its the problem with servo. it costs around 180-350 rupees. i personally recommend hextronix hxt900 servos. costs around 300rupees but been using them for around a year in all my build with no issues.
2:you can try open the servo and see which gear is broken. if the outermost gear is broken, you can place it in a some other angel so that the broken teeth will never come in use. since the servo rotate only 90deg, 3/4th of the teeth from the last servo gear will be unused. this point could be confusing but its really easy to do.
3:Yes, you can replace it with rudder servo. and make the rudder dummy by carefully taping it so that it wont flutter. did it on my sky easy. but #1 is the best way to do it without making a surgery with your model.

FPV with head goggles


Vinay Sahal

Thanks V2 Eagle,

I've ordered 9g servos from RCBazaar as the teeth's got damaged when I opened the servo, but couldn't fix the servo again.

I replaced the elevator push rod with Rudder push rod as former was a bit short in length. Connected the initial Rudder servo to Elevator channel on receiver and now its working fine, but at the cost of rudder control for time being. As you suggested had taped the rudder surface control to avoid any flutter while in air.

Thanks a lot for suggestion and advise.

Best regards
