ESC prob...

Started by Sreedhar, October 16, 2010, 10:55:30 PM

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Guys very sad today... i had a mystery 80A esc... i was just testing it with a 14A brushless motor suddenly the esc stoped then no power to motor or receiver i tried reconnecting the battery etc but no use.. then i removed the esc cover there was no sign of any burns or crack of chips but i dont know y it is not working... please help me out..



like the classic slogan u get what u pay for, check the connectors other wise i guess u have a bad 1
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Can you describe the sequence of events better ?  Was the motor running fine at any point ?  How long did it run ?  Was it run without any load ?  Have you tried changing components (battery, motor etc) ?

Smell is also a very good give away for hardware problems !
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Also, check for any dry solder joints... Mystery ESC have good reputation. As suggested, do post the complete sequence so that others can help better.
Cheers !!!
+91 7977382130


I took it out just for test.. It was working fine with the the motor at full throttle.. I checked with it for sometime then change the battery then check again like that... It was run on no load and also with a 8*4 prop it was going fine but suddenly after few cycles of battery change and all it stoped... then never started again
The esc is 80A.. I was using the d motor mentione below


The same thing happened with me. Please change your motor. Test the motor with different ESC and you Mystery ESC with a different motor.

In these cases there is usually a short in the Motor. The three wires going into the motor should not be short till they enter the coil.

What i did was, i pluged the ESC into the programming card and checked from there that the ESC was working or not. Then I just kind of changed certain settings to just give it a reset.


hmm i dont have a propramming card.. the motor is working with other esc.. i will try using the esc on another motor and try..
Thank you anam...


I tried the esc with different motor but no use... its still not responding there is no power to the receiver from the esc also.. please help...


Even if you connect ESC to Rx without motor it should work (with built in BEC). Normally BEC shuts down with a low capacity battery. Use recommended LiPo for a 80 Amps ESC.


This esc dont have a in build BEC... But if i simply connect the esc to rx the rx should power up rite???? please correct me if i am wrong....


In this case you should charge Rx with auxiliary power. I don't have much knowledge with ESC without built in BEC, and let other senior member's advice.
I think 80 Amps ESC is overpowered for a 18 Amps motor.


Quote from: Sreedhar on October 18, 2010, 01:39:11 PM
This esc dont have a in build BEC... But if i simply connect the esc to rx the rx should power up rite???? please correct me if i am wrong....
if you are able to connect the esc directly to rx then the esc should have a BEC. i once had similar problem, but later found out that i had connected the esc to rx terminal in wrong polarity.


i have tried with bec... the receiver turns on.... esc to throttle input of rx... still no music from esc and no responce on throttle....


i am also a noob in electrics, but i have a feeling that your ESC is fine.


hmmmm i wish so yar...


if your esc dont have bec it will not power up, then u need to power the rx with a battery or a bec, if motor not power with battery connected to rx  u can try to change the end points on the throttle channel in case the programming of endpoints is wrong,

what radio are u using?

have u checked the throttle curv?
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try connecting like this.

1.) Do not install any prop on the motor.
2.) Connect all the 3 wires of the motor (which you have tested on another ESC and is working fine) to the ESC to be tested.
3.) Connect the ESC to the receiver at channel 3.
4.) Turn on your Tx.
5.) Put throttle to MAX on Tx.
6.) Connect the battery pack to the ESC (check if your receiver is getting power now)
7.) If receiver turns on (on some rx there is a small LED which lights up), then your ESC has BEC.
8.) leave tx throttle at max for 3 seconds and then turn it to MIN.
9.) Check for any music from the motor (it is the motor that makes the sound, and not the ESC) (If no music/sound, goto step 12)
10.) This should calibrate your trottle on ESC.
11.) Increase throttle on tx to see if the motor is working.
12.) If there is no sound after connecting the battery pack, then the ESC is not working. there is a problem with ESC.
Cheers !!!
+91 7977382130


hai guys esc still not working... Tried many combinations... but there is no sign of any burns or cracks what shall i do???


can u write in 1 post what is your problem and what exactly have u tried
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Are you sure there is no soldering problem? And if the ESC did not have a BEC you need an auxulary power source for the RX. Did you do this earlier while testing the motor?


Hai guys.. The esc doesnot have a internal bec so i use an external one... I connect my esc to throttle pins of the rx and bec to battery pins.. I connented the motor to esc, turned on the tx then connented the battery to esc... the bec is connected to the input terminal of the esc so bec also turns on thus rx turns on... No music from motor... No responce from esc.. tried with other motor/lipo combinations still not working..
removed the cover of esc, removed the heat sink but no sign of any burns or no smell... tried to get the esc into programming mode by turning on the rx while the throttle stick is all the way up, still no responce...

please advice...


i wrote in a earlier post to try to adjust atv to try to make it arm, did u try that?
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yes clayboy i have checked that...


only reason i can c not to arm the motor is if have no signal with rx if esc is powered up properly, atv or signal cable,

if not i guess u can bin it
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