KK2 and Multiple Servos

Started by parichya.gautam, January 05, 2015, 02:24:34 PM

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So I bought 4 metal geared servos and connected them to the 4-1 Servo Y cable.
now when I use them, the KK2.1 board, reboots itself :P

Why ?

How do i overcome this ?
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I think this is because the servos are drawing too much current, making the board reboot itself. I don't get why though, since the processor gets power from a different bus than the other pins. You could overcome this by powering the servos from a separate BEC that can handle the current. Otherwise you could remove the red and black BEC wires from 3 of your ESCs and use them to power the servos (check whether they can supply enough current).


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I will explain all the way from the basics. You may already know this. The red and black wires of the servo type lead from your ESC make up the BEC (battery elimination circuit). Depending on the ESC, they can supply around 2A. The kk 2.1 receives power from the M1 pins. However, there is another 5V power bus that runs through the M2-M8 pins to power servos. This is to keep the power supply 'clean' and is the reason why, unlike other flight controllers, you are not supposed to remove the red wires from 3 of the ESCs. Because your servos are drawing too much current (I think), the processor keeps rebooting. This happened to me when I had a servo connected to my Rx that was connected to the kk powered by my USBasp. I am assuming you are connecting the servos to your receiver and the receiver connections of the kk are not designed to supply so much current.
You need to find out how much current your servos are drawing and how much your ESC can supply. You can then use the red and black wires of the other 3 ESCs, either alone or in parallel (not sure if parallel would work. It may fry your ESCs.) to power the servos. The servo signal wires would need to go to the retract channel. Otherwise, you could buy an external BEC that plugs into your battery and powers the servos. Just make sure it can supply enough current. A better option would be to connect only the servo signal wires to the receiver and power the servos from the spare M5-M8 pins of the kk 2.1.Again, you wil need to check if it can supply enough current.


I cant get it like this, Do you have a contact number ? PM

all the stuff is in front of me ill explain the issue ?
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K K Iyer

Perhaps you could try connecting only one servo first, then two, then three...


just connect the servo power (normally RED and BLACK) to individual BEC and connect signal (YELLOW or WHITE) and ground(BLACK) only to KK2.


KK 2.0 draws power from the first servo connector to power itself and to power the receiver. So the first servo connector has to be connected to a ESC with a BEC of required amperage. But if you are using servos on the first connector then you need to power the board with extenal power supply/BEC of required amps.

Remaining all seven servo connectors middle (+) pin and (-) pins are all interconnected as a power rail. To power the remaining servos you need to connect a BEC of required amperage in parallel with them to drive the servos if not the servos won't function.

If you are using single inadequate BEC to power all which will make the board reboot every time the load is too much in the BEC.


Sundaram Sir has explained it much clearer than I have. However, I am guessing you have connected the servo harness to the receiver since if you connect it to the kk outputs, you won't be able to control the retracts (without modding the firmware). I have PMed you my contact no. but you need to first figure out the current draw of each servo and the current supply from each ESC BEC (usually available on the product page).


I assume you are connecting 4 servos to a single channel in your Receiver .
And the power to receiver is supplied from your KK board .

What happens is, servo board is taking power from ESC connected at motor 1  - while you try powering all these up from that single BEC, the current is insufficient and hence KK board reboots (Same happens if you try to throttle up KK board with a discharged LiPo or LiPo with insufficient discharge rate)

you can use any of other 3 ESC BEC to power your servos :)
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


Its just power the servo seperately!! And remember to short the signal source ground to the power supply ground or the servo wont work!!



Quote from: K K Iyer on January 05, 2015, 03:32:26 PM
Perhaps you could try connecting only one servo first, then two, then three...

Haven't read this earlier, connect one servo to receiver, check if it is working together with KK board, add another servo with y connector - check if 2 work ok with KK board, and in this way check how many servos can be connected in parallel and run with out reboot of KK2 ...
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..

v2 eagle

Quote from: parichya.gautam on January 05, 2015, 02:24:34 PM
So I bought 4 metal geared servos and connected them to the 4-1 Servo Y cable.
now when I use them, the KK2.1 board, reboots itself :P

where are you connecting the servos, in the KK board or in the RX, post a pic of your connection or a paint image of your connection setup.

FPV with head goggles




My Custom Quad Retracts is DONE :D ( opening new thread for that )

Regarding the servo issue, all 4 servos on one channel work fine without rebooting the board if I turn the servo slowly .
anyways, I am sticking with 2 separate channels for the front and back pair servo.

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How do you turn the servos slowly if they are connected to switch controlled channel?


no its not on the switch control (i dont where that it too ), i have those 2 dials on my Tx, i use those to control servo .

One other thing, i was messing with T6Config and i messed my Tx, all controls are messed up now :P
How do i go back ? and (the reason i was trying to mess up with T6) What are the 2 switches on top of the Tx for ?
2-Click click type ones...

FS-CT6B is my radio in case you notice in the video.
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the position switches or potentiometers(dials you say !!) on your radio can be coupled to work as your 5th or 6th channel one at a time, it can be set through transmitter configuration - but as yo need to rotate your servos slowly, these pots work best for you.
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


yea those 'potentiometers' XD

BTW, but Tx is al messed up how do i set it right ? a factory reset types perhaps ?
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don't know for ct6b- it may need to be done through PC
for my, Tx there is menu option
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


its all messed up and i dont know what to do :(
Somebody help
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connect to pc., and search for reset option in the config. software.
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


couldnt find any wasted an hour on it ...
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uh oh :( , don't you have a manual ???
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..