Need help with bosscam ts351 & rc805 video tx rx

Started by aryapotdar, September 12, 2015, 05:05:10 PM

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Need help with bosscam ts351 & rc805 video tx rx

Its not working
All LEDs are working BT its doesn't telecasting


Are both on the same channel?


Bdw are they both compatible I mean does both work on same band with? I dnt have proper internet connection to check :(


Ya both r on same channel.....
All wiring is perfect........
BT doesn't working..........

Can any body help...........?


you shld keep changing the channel of both tx n RX n keep testing. at some point u all get the video. pure trial n error.


What monitor are you using? Have you checked monitor with some other source? On my 600mw setup the video appears sometimes only after I unplug and plug back the video cable back in video rx while everything is on, till then it appears as if it's not working at all.


Monitor was working fine
BT dident getting video from any channel combination


Did you at any time power on the VTx or Rx without the antenna? I've heard that powering without the antenna can fry the device.

EDIT: I did some more reading and would suggest you try this sequence of steps to troubleshoot.

1. Try connecting the camera directly to the monitor to make sure you have output.
2. Double check all connections and make sure the VTx is not getting too hot.
3. Keeping the VRx on one frequency, keep varying the VTx frequency (or vice-versa) until you get a picture. Even if you are on a frequency that is clode to but not matching the VRx you should get some video but very poor range.


I've never powered it without antenna cz antenna works as resistor
All connections r correct
Camera n screen r working fine

I think it has prob with hardware