qurey regarding the servo and gyro working together

Started by dragon.rajath, March 17, 2009, 06:31:10 PM

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 dear all,
             my name is rajath , i am doing a student studying final year mechanical , for my final year project we are building a surveillance aircraft , its basically a ducted structure , we have built it using a
1000 kv motor and rest of the standard accessories with it , we need to use the gyros and servos in order to stabilize the aircraft , i dont kno how to use a gyro with a servo ,
  please help me with this ,
                                                                                                                  regards rajath  :)


Hi Rajath -

Gyros are basically stabilizing units that you fit between your receiver and the servo(s).  Depending on the "plane of placement" of the gyro, it will automatically give command signals to the servo to move its arm in order to compensate for any movement of the RC craft "in that plane".  If you place a gyro in a horizontal plane, the gyro will help restrict the craft from rotating/moving left of right.  If you place a gyro in a vertical plane, it will try to restrict the craft from moving up or down.

About using the gyro, just connect your receiver channel to your gyro, and connect the gyro to the servo.  There are voltage limitations for various gyro-servo combinations, if you are not using the standard 4.8V power setup.
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Have you decided what servos and gyros you are planning to use ?  Something like a Co-Pilot may also work to your advantage.
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good job doing ...... am also making a four rotor helicopter with autonomous hovering .........in ma point of view anwar sir is totally right one thing u using servo that is preprogrammed or u programming it