Servo Confusion

Started by ebinmoothedam, August 06, 2012, 05:43:06 PM

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Cyclic servo and Tail servo.

So finally I have started shopping for my first helicopter Kit [Size - 450] and I am planning to buy it from RCBAZAAR. I am planning to assemble it an stage wise manner with stage 1 includes assembling of frame, rotor head, motor installation and servo installation as my budget is limited now.

Second stage will have gyro, esc, and battery. Third stage I will buy radio and set the whole thing. I plan to get this done over a period of 3 months.

I was looking for servos and foud that there are two different servos for cyclic controls and tail. I could not find more information on the specifics and I am confused now. I am on a real tight budget and I have planned to buy 3 cyclic servos and 1 tail servo. Then it struck me that why not buy 4 cyclic servos as they are all servos? Will a cyclic servo like a tail servo ? Whats the big deal about "digital" and "analog" servo ? I could not find more information on this forum regarding this. I am real confused and wish some one would give me a good advice on difference between the servos.

Planning to purchase 3 of these servos for the cyclic

1 of this for the tail

Am I buying the correct servos ?

I prefer to buy from RCBAZAAR as its in India and I hope to get the product with in 5 or 5 days and this is my first heli build so I hope to have some support from them also.

What do you all think ?


thats correct..servos
no confuse..rc bazar team will help u...shure..go for it
My hanger
680 HexaCoptor ,Brushless Gimbals
Dji Wookoong Mettal V2
Futaba 14ch Radio, 5.8ghz Ground station
Nazza V2,
Cinestar8 Octa ..+ 3 Axis Gimbal For 5Dm3


just got helped :)

how is your hk450 doing ?


its cleared by anver sir..
but sm major problem need to replace tail boom
for hk 450 v2
but spare not aviliable.
My hanger
680 HexaCoptor ,Brushless Gimbals
Dji Wookoong Mettal V2
Futaba 14ch Radio, 5.8ghz Ground station
Nazza V2,
Cinestar8 Octa ..+ 3 Axis Gimbal For 5Dm3