about white depron foam

Started by dhirajjadhaodhiraj, March 08, 2010, 07:17:05 PM

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Please can we have a better image... this is not clear at all.


sorry pic is removed from a vga camera i shall upload a good pic tomorrow

And the Sky jet v2 is my first plane so the plane may not look great but i shall again try to build it . At that time  i shall  give proper shape to it. i didn't even Bevel the surface next  time i shall make the same plane with proper shape and beveling the surface 


Hi guys,

I am no longer an active aeromodeller but here is few info which may be useful to you

Biofoam or Depron (whatever it is called) is available at Abdullatif habibhoy in Mumbai (Tel- 022 23401969, 23425314). They are biggest dealer of Thermacole in Mumbai and cheapest source of Biofoam. Pricing is 7-8/mm per sheet (means if you buy 5 mm sheet you pay 35-40). Please check up with dealer for current pricing.

Regular thermacole is EPS foam (expanded polystyrene) where as Depron is XPS (Extruded polystyrene). In india Biopac India Corp Ltd is the one who makes XPS foam and probably it is due to there name it is known as biofoam

Depron (or bluefoam) is availbale only thru Dow (american company, also in India)their brand name though is different. They have various foams (depron) which are mainly used in construction industry, insulation (sound & temperatur). You can see their products at http://building.dow.com/ap/in/prod/. they have a dealer in Malad who specialiase in sound proofing projects. I had contacted a guy there by name Datta who was quite helpful and gave me a sample. They have all thick sheets 25 mm being the thinnest and they sell in bulk ( and it is sold in meter cube, like timber). Price was about 12500/m3 + + + ( excise + VAT + Octroi) when i had interacted with him in 2009.

This blue foam was very stiff and had lot of strength when compared to India product.  

Thats all what i remember at the moment.





Flying Baba ki Jai Ho...
I like that name, as you have retired, who are you going to pass your name to Baba Ji. lol;)
Hiren, some research here buddy.. And thanks for sharing it with us all.

Any idea who is making EPP in India...

The blue foam you are talking about is definately not EPP as it is close structured insulation product used to insulate floors, normally 50mm thick sheets 8ft x 4ft  when doing foundations.

"Originally developed for motor vehicle and aerospace applications, EPP is impact resistant bead cell foam. With good memory effect due to the molecular structure, this material is excellent for crash / impact protection, used extensively in crash helmets, car bumpers, and aircraft cockpit.
EPP models are typically covered with cross weave and Coloured Tape, or a low temperature heat shrink covering.
EPP is not suitable for surfaces that you intended to sheet with balsa wood. Rigid EPS foams are better suited for covering with sheet balsa.
WORKING WITH EPP FOAM   To ensure a good adhesion to EPP always spray any foam surface with 3M-77 type Spray  Adhesive before applying coloured or cross weave tape. Or latex adhesive, this helps the tape to stick.  I even spray a light coat on the balsa elevons before applying coloured Tape.  After you apply any self adhesive tape to your model, take a credit card shaped piece of cardboard and smooth the edge from the middle to the edge.
Use it stick like a squeegee to iron out any remaining air bubbles and smooth the tape to the foam, then use a covering iron on the lowest temperature to iron down the sticky tape to the foam. Warning go gentle or you will warp the EPP. It only takes a few minutes to do this to a completed glider, and it really makes the whole covering job look great. It will also increase the efficiency of your model by making the smooth surface fly that much better.
GLUE'S COMPATIBLE WITH EPP FOAM   (ALWAYS TEST ON SCRAP BEFORE COMMITTING TO YOUR PROJECT) ; Foamsafe cyano (superglue) - latex based glue - uhu por-2 - part epoxy - hotglue gun. You can decorate with foam friendly felt tip pens and paints


Does any one know where to find EPP(Expanded Poly Propylene ) sheet's in MUMbAi  then i can make a bullet proof planes (just like Paul's plane from RC Foam Fighter's Blog)
and thank u Flying baba for the post, now i can go and buy some foams   :bow:
Is there any company that would give a sample sheet of Epp foam or are there any site that would  sell a sample sheet of EPP foam at least i shall get a rough idea of how the sheet's are ?


Hi guys,

well I have not retired yet from aeromodelling, may be bit lazy to fly models specially after Paragliding. flying_baba is my call sign while paragliding (not giving up my friend).  

@ b4ggu :- yes you are right blue foam is not EPP. EPP and XPS (blue foam) are completely 2 different products (different MOC). I dont know much about EPP except that it is widely used for cold insulation (AC ducts, and other industrial application). I have seen them on split AC ducting, they are white and black in colour, various thickness are available.

@ Rao :- You can get EPP at Mohammed Ali Road, road below J J Flyover (not sure of the road name) and couple of stores at Malad West on S V Road.




hello guys,
great news
for the order of depron sheets of any thicknesses more than 5 no. you will get 5% discount
on the cost of depron.this discount offer is valid upto 31st december.
sheets are available in following thicknesses:
1.2mm and 3mm for 100rs/sheet.
2.5mm for 120rs/sheet.
3.12mm for 180rs/sheet.
for ordering please contact on following details:
or PM me.
thank you.


i have seen template of ribs in photo. if i am not wrong, it is of iron,

how u made such exact template



Hi Kp,
They are for WOT4 classic and Wot4 Mark 4 sweptback wing ; an aerobatic balsa and ply construction 40 size plane.

There are various sets of templates in the image. Some recent made out of aluminium sheets 3mm thick and some over 20 years old in steel...

The steel templates images were uploaded a few years ago. They were passed on to me by an engineer friend Brian Kettle.... May his soul RIP. He made thaem 10 to 15 years ago and gave them to me about 7 years ago..so they are over 20 years old.

3mm solid steel designed for ply and balsa built up wings. All one does is insert 1 1/2 inch or 40mm wide x 2mm thick balsa sheets into them and sand after cutting around them and the ribs are ready.


Ankur did u get foam sheets ??
I am in naini and i am planning too to build a model
I can buy all the electronics but can't find shops dealers retailers nearby to buy foam board
If you have any idea. Plzz recommend..
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