dealers of depron in delhi

Started by harshit batra, December 07, 2014, 07:44:40 PM

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harshit batra

hi, i wanted to make a ft 3d or ft mini speed ster  but not able to decide what materials to use i want to know local dealers of depron foam at delhi not bio foam and which of the model  will be better to learn flying as iam a beginner or if there any site selling this with cod service as i dont believe in online transactions.pls help


Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager

harshit batra

how to contact him iam not able to find him on the members list pls help


Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager

harshit batra


Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager


Just do a search! Type Depron delhi in the search bar and press enter

harshit batra

@sanjay sir are you  telling me sitaram stationers and gokal chand in pahar ganj? sry for my miss typing sir if you read

harshit batra

sir if i use bio foam should i cover on both sides or only one side with paper and how much  mm sheet should i buy and please tell me about the plane i should build out of two. iam totally a begginer to this hobby and made two models before first one f22 and other a copy of wild hawk glider both from rc powers first one never flied and the other oane i was not able to control and crashed it hard ruinned so much money now i want learn flying can you suggest aplane


I would suggest making a BluBaby or an FT-Flyer:

Both are very slow and easy flying planes and should help you learn.
Maahin Beri - Introduction and Hangar
Seagull Arising Star, Seagull Low Wing 40, AviSport (SPAD), Phoenix Scanner, VortexRC Speedster, Martian 220 Racing Quadcopter.

harshit batra

@mahin beri sir can i use 250 size motor in this ft flyer like they use in mini scout and speed ster and now in mini cruiser because sir in that way i will be able to use use same set of electronics for all other planes the weight of motors they recomend is 24 g and emax 1804 2400kv is 25 g the only difference is of rpm they recomend 1300 kv so is it possible to use emax motor because all plane above uses this


No, these planes require at least a 300 size motor, however, you will not stick to micro planes for very long. Soon, you'll want to make bigger planes and will realise that the 250 motor is too small for anything else.

Refer to this thread: (Read the whole thread)

I'm not saying micro planes are bad, they are really fun, however, if you start with a bigger setup, you'll have a lot more planes to build and experiment with in the beginning. Bigger planes will also be more stable in the wind, hence easier for a beginner.
Maahin Beri - Introduction and Hangar
Seagull Arising Star, Seagull Low Wing 40, AviSport (SPAD), Phoenix Scanner, VortexRC Speedster, Martian 220 Racing Quadcopter.


What motor did you use on your previous builds?
Maahin Beri - Introduction and Hangar
Seagull Arising Star, Seagull Low Wing 40, AviSport (SPAD), Phoenix Scanner, VortexRC Speedster, Martian 220 Racing Quadcopter.

harshit batra

i used this motor on the two planes mentioned above i bought from local hobby store and nothing was mentioned on motor told by the man on shop it was an e max motor 2300 kv weight 70 grams and size nearly 3 cm in height and 2.8 cm diameter


That's much bigger than a 250 size motor. Can you provide more details about the motor? Where exactly did you buy it from?
Maahin Beri - Introduction and Hangar
Seagull Arising Star, Seagull Low Wing 40, AviSport (SPAD), Phoenix Scanner, VortexRC Speedster, Martian 220 Racing Quadcopter.


Maahin Beri - Introduction and Hangar
Seagull Arising Star, Seagull Low Wing 40, AviSport (SPAD), Phoenix Scanner, VortexRC Speedster, Martian 220 Racing Quadcopter.

harshit batra

i am not teling that this the 250 size motor i had ordered it from quad that's why iam sayin to recomend another i bought this motor from chandni chowk bhagirath palace everest sales corporation shop no. 625 is there any plans for planes using this motor i have 30 amp esc 16 g servo s also but battery died because of crashing the previous plane hard


As I said above, the FT-Storch should suit this motor.
Maahin Beri - Introduction and Hangar
Seagull Arising Star, Seagull Low Wing 40, AviSport (SPAD), Phoenix Scanner, VortexRC Speedster, Martian 220 Racing Quadcopter.

harshit batra

sir what is the diffrence between two motors of same dimensions and same weight but different kv


Kv stands for RPM/volt. It is the measured RPM of the motor under no load, divided by the voltage applied to it.

So if a motor spins at 10,000 RPM under no load when 10v is applied to it, it is a 1000kv motor.
Maahin Beri - Introduction and Hangar
Seagull Arising Star, Seagull Low Wing 40, AviSport (SPAD), Phoenix Scanner, VortexRC Speedster, Martian 220 Racing Quadcopter.


If you take motors of same size and different kv, the lower kv motor will have more Torque and thus would be able to spin a larger prop. The high kv motor will be able to spin a smaller prop, but at a higher rpm.
In general, lower kv motors are more efficient.
Maahin Beri - Introduction and Hangar
Seagull Arising Star, Seagull Low Wing 40, AviSport (SPAD), Phoenix Scanner, VortexRC Speedster, Martian 220 Racing Quadcopter.


2300kv is relatively on the higher side.
I would not suggest using a prop larger than 7 inch diameter, or you may burn the motor.

If you knew the max current rating of the motor, you could experiment with different props to see which prop is best suited for your motor, but as that's not the case, you will have to be careful.
Maahin Beri - Introduction and Hangar
Seagull Arising Star, Seagull Low Wing 40, AviSport (SPAD), Phoenix Scanner, VortexRC Speedster, Martian 220 Racing Quadcopter.

harshit batra

thank you very much sir for this precious information .

harshit batra

can you also suggest some material to work with for ft models available in delhi


You can use Biofoam and foamboard.
Maahin Beri - Introduction and Hangar
Seagull Arising Star, Seagull Low Wing 40, AviSport (SPAD), Phoenix Scanner, VortexRC Speedster, Martian 220 Racing Quadcopter.