Dial gauge ?

Started by gauravag, July 29, 2010, 11:20:40 AM

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Yesterday, i had a clutch liner come off on my Raptor . Before I got a new liner on, i wanted to check and see if the clutch show and the bell got damaged as well ? I guess i need a dial test gauge to check this . Any ideas from where to get this ?
Available locally ? if so whats it called ?

Thanks !


if its for measuring out of true rotation its called
a dial indicator - used commonly by workshops with lathes etc...

not cheap - the most common ones are made by MITUTOYO

why buy one ? go to any workshop and they'll be happy to
let you use theirs.

alternately you could use the indian 'jugaad' - a pin mounted
separately - while you rotate the clutch bell - it should easily show
you if it is "out"

if unclear - I could post a pic of what is used in our workshop.


Chinese dial gauges available in delhi machinery market for Rs. 400- 500


Quote from: saikat on July 29, 2010, 12:03:44 PM
why buy one ? go to any workshop and they'll be happy to
let you use theirs.

+1 with Saikat da. I have seen decent Lathe shop having these tool. Locate your local automobile market and you would find score of Lathe shops. even tipping the guy with Rs 20 is enough!

that reminds me, Anwar bhai, can we have the official 'Rs' symbol as a smiley button ?
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I feel that you guys are overdoing this clutch liner change :)  Put a new liner with care (no overlapping, leave a tiny bit short because the glue used for fixing the liner will cause it to expand a bit).  Then wrap one or two round of electrical tape on the clutch shoe, so that the shoe is inserted into bell it is a "snug" fit.  After tightening everything, remove the electrical tape.  That should give you a pretty much perfectly aligned clutch every time.
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I went out in the market and found the MituToyo and Baker Dial Indicators. MituToyo was very very expensive. Bakers was for around Rs 1500/-

Now, I replaced the liner as Anwar said, however I read on several websites that the clutch life can be increased several times if you use the Dial Indicator while mounting the clutch shoe to the fan. I guess this would be to reduce the wobbling of the shoe, caused by the minute hole misalignments on the fan .