Goodbye Depron, Hello Styrofoam!

Started by VC, September 23, 2010, 12:10:27 AM

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Just got my first consignment of Blue Styrofoam. 16 sheets. Incredible stuff. Tough, light and very dense! This is a dream. Each sheet is 600mm X 1250mm X 25.4mm and has cost me Rs.400/- landed in Guwahati. If I can slice each sheet (using my hot wire cutter) into 6mm sheets, I end up with 64 sheets for Rs. 6400/- (400X16) or Rs.100/- per sheet.

The material is way ahead of depron in terms of strength and weight. Each sheet ( 600mm X 1250mm X 25.4mm) weighs approx 630 grams. So each slice (600mm X 1250mm X 6mm) should weigh 158 grams only approx! Enough for the build of one model.

Awesome stuff!

Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


This is the same stuff I made my Mustang from..
Its called ISO Foam here, amazing stuff brother!
It can be sanded very nicely.

You planning somefink big ?
Money flies when the transmitter is ON...


Is this material anything near to ELPOR/EPO ? I was just impressed with the material of my AXN Floater.
Depron is good but now for making aerofoil.

Can any one of you give a close up (Macro - Flowe mode in most of point and shoot camera) so that we can see the grain ?
Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother


Hi VC,
where did you get these sheets from?
Fly high if you have good set of batteries.....!


It is a closed cell structure, extremely dense, so there is hardly any grain visible.

Check with Anam in New Delhi, he may be able to get you some.
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But needs only foam safe glues, any other glue that I've tried till now eats up the foam like pac man!
White adhesive helps a lot for holding the foam together temperorily, so sanding can be done on multiple layers.
Overall! an awesome material, just remember its strong, but the thinner you make it the brittle it gets!

Money flies when the transmitter is ON...



VC sir, where can we get this foam? Need a source who is willing to ship it here at a decent price..
"The day you stop playing with your toys is the day you start getting ready to die.."

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No it is from New Delhi. Please contact Anam for details.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Cannot determine if this is blue styrofoam, or bluecore foam from the pictures.  I saw samples of both at Ashta bhai's house, and the one I have seen locally used in Qatar is blue styrofoam.  Bluecore foam seems to be much more dense, with seemingly no airgaps at all, and was much more rigid. 

In any case, a pusher plane made with either would be pretty much indestructible, making it probably THE top choice for any beginner !
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Good to know that another good thing exists   (:|~


As a matter of fact, it is Extruded Polysterene Foam and is manufactured in the UAE under license from the DOW Company.
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In my experience blucor is inferior material to depron. It is less stiff (especially if you peel off the plastic skin) and hence need more reinforcement.

The biofoam we get is rolled during manufacturing process losing some stiffness compared to depron.

To me the USP of this material is the thickness that allows you to cut aerofoils. Thicker biofoam sheets are laminated, not one single extrusion.


Again guys,
This is ISO Foam, it is widely used for heat insulation purposes in the Civil industry.

ISOBOARD : Extruded Polystyrene Foam Boards blue in colour.

It is dense and strong, but as I've said earlier, the thinner you make it, the more brittle it gets.
Money flies when the transmitter is ON...


Quote from: RotorZone on September 23, 2010, 08:28:33 PM
In my experience blucor is inferior material to depron. It is less stiff (especially if you peel off the plastic skin) and hence need more reinforcement.

The ones I saw at Ashta bhai's place are thick ones (about 3cm or more), and there was no plastic skin.   If anyone made a fuse out of that, it should be pretty sturdy.  Combine that with a (hot wire cut?) profile wing, and you will have a really sturdy airframe.  In fact, Ashta bhai was saying he will build one !
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Then it is different form what I used. Mine was less than 1cm thick with plastic skin.


In the US this is called fanfold foam. Easy to sand and slice, good when thick, easily dented, nicely breakable, no beads, very light and needs very less reinforcement.


Money flies when the transmitter is ON...


Great its available in India.

VC, Anam pls. let know how to source this.


There is just one catch, as Anam will clarify later. The supplier cannot sell loose sheets and Anam will have to buy an entire carton (16 sheets) at a go. Dimensions of the sheets are 1250 mm X 600 mm X 24 mm.
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Oh well, confusion reigns. Fan fold foam is what I had. Hope this is something better.


This stuff is extremely dense and has a closed cell structure. Of all the descriptions above, Controlflyer seems to be bang on target!

Anam is away at a conference and will be back on the forum tomorrow. I just had a word with him. At the moment, he can confidently accept orders for the NCR only. Buyers from the other regions will have to state their preference of shipping (Volumetric, By Road etc). I paid a bare minimum for my transportation as it was carried to me by a known transporter from my neighbourhood. Actual shipping costs will have to be worked out by the consignee and Anam.

I have posted the above at the behest of Anam, it is his baby. Would request everyone to contact him directly.


Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


googled for ISO foam and located a site and the delhi address is

Branch Office
111-112/112B,VISHAL TOWER, 1st Floor, District Center,
Janak Puri,New Delhi-110058
Tel : +91-11-45562763
Fax : +91-11-45562764
Email :

don't know how in terms of quantity or what quality they sell
Spektrum DX6i | EP Pusher Trainer | EP CUB |


Went up to Gokal Chand today - my favourite haunt for all types of foam. Saw a sample of blue styrofoam. looks pretty tough. This is comes in a 8ft x 2ft x 50mm sheet at Rs 1000/-
Spektrum DX6i | EP Pusher Trainer | EP CUB |


This is the same foam which i bought recently in kolkata. Now, i need to slice it up into sheets of 5 or 6mm.
Be Inquisitive