How to mount electric motors on foamies ?

Started by anwar, September 04, 2009, 12:48:40 PM

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Looks like there are various choices when it comes to mounting motors on foamies (either scratch built) or even small electric ARF kits (made out of balsa/depron/etc).

Can people experienced in this post pictures of their motor mountings, along with a description of the tools, materials (glue, balsa, metal etc) and techniques used.  We are looking for the "different" ways of doing it, so post the unique ways you have tackled this issue.

It is interesting to see mounts where the motor can be easily removed and/or replaced. A lot of times, it is difficult to remove a motor from its mount without actually ripping apart the existing mount (like if you screw a motor to a sheet of plywood, and then fix the plywood on the fuselage using epoxy).
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Ply wood Mount used on a stick.
sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


if you want easy mounting and demounting of motor...try using a nut, bolt and washer instead of screws.

Ankur Kaul


Quote from: rcforall on September 05, 2009, 07:14:50 AM
Ply wood Mount used on a stick.

See, that is why I was looking for detail, especially to help beginners  :)

How is the stick attached to fuse ?  How is the ply attached to stick ?  How is the motor attached to ply (with another metal motor mount) ?

And this is only one case, where the back of the plywood mount is almost accessible.  For many foamies with thicker fuses (or box fuses), the back of the ply mount is not accessible.  So how do you make sure the motor can be removed/replaced; after the ply mount itself is permanently glued.  That kind of thing......????
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
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Ok, here is one that I built recently with a J&J bandage tape roll and some bits of plastics thats used for name plates at the office.


Hangar : Please see my introduction.
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Most of the below information may be already known to the fellow modellers but... still
pl find some of the standard ways to mount an electric motor.
some of the important criteria for the mounts aprat from being light and strong are:
- Should easily removable and remountable w/o spoiling the foam.
- Should be able to adjust the thrust angle.
- Possibility to give good strain relief and accessibility to the motor wires.

pl see the pictures
You can't be first because you do not know!


pl see the pictures
You can't be first because you do not know!


pl see the pictures.
see the large motor mount.
Also see the simple Cable tie mount. This is very usefull to mount all types of in runners.
You can't be first because you do not know!


pl find some of the non standard ways to mount which i have experimented in mounting an electric motor.
some of the important criteria for the mounts apart from being light and strong are:
- Should be easily removable and remountable w/o spoiling the foam.
- Should be able to adjust the thrust angle.
- Possibility to give good strain relief and accessibility to the motor wires.
One simple way to mount the bearing tube type of motors (Famous Blue wonder) is to mount it on a simple sheet of plastic/ pcb cut outs/ bamboo etc.  Use sewing thred profusely to bind the bearing tube to the sheet. Use some glue also. later this piece can be embedded in to the foam
Another way is to insert the tube in to a tight plastic tube ( Like ryanold pen cap etc...)
pl see the pictures.
You can't be first because you do not know!


Another idea is to use small plastic bottles cap and thread.
- Cut the threaded portion ( Only the thread portion +10- 15 mm) and embed this pice in the foam.
- Mount the motor on to the bottle cap.

This is very good when you wnat to use the same motor on different models. Just unscrew the Cap and use it on another model.
pl see the pictures.
You can't be first because you do not know!


When you want to mount small brushless motors ( 2 grms to 16 grams), you can thry these.
These mounts can be easily made from Glass sliding aluminum channels ( Any hardware shop)
For bigger motors, the wooden motor mounts can be easily cut from 2mm Vinear sheet or balsa.

pl see the pictures.
You can't be first because you do not know!


When it comes to mount 5/ 10/ 16/ 25 grams motors, i have found this method vey very nice and effective.
- use the empty refill tube 3 pieces of 2 inch length.
- On one end mount the three motors screws.
- Now mount the tube on to the foam using hot melt with the required thrust angle.
- Once the tube is fixed, motor can be removed unscrewing, the screws.
- very light weight and strong.

Another way i found but not used to to use the accessories used by Golf people. These are available in golf shop. Can drill the holes and then embed them in to the foam.

You can't be first because you do not know!


do not throw away these items. they are very usefull for this hobby esc scratch built
You can't be first because you do not know!


Nice collection of Ideas Astha....Really Impressed......... {:)} {:)} best one was sliding window channel. i have tried that one...and was good for light motors....... {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)}
Fly high if you have good set of batteries.....!


Quote from: sandeepm on October 09, 2009, 02:42:11 PM
Nice collection of Ideas Astha....Really Impressed......... {:)} {:)} best one was sliding window channel. i have tried that one...and was good for light motors....... {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)}
thanks sandeep. But for small motors, do try the refill tube idea. it is really nice and much much more strong. Also u can remove the motor w/o spoiling the foam.
You can't be first because you do not know!


While the refill tube idea is really ingenious  :salute:, isn't it a bit risky unless you find the exact sized screw ? 

It seems like you will run the risk of tearing the tube, unless you find screws that are near perfect ? 
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
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Quote from: anwar on October 09, 2009, 03:07:28 PM
While the refill tube idea is really ingenious  :salute:, isn't it a bit risky unless you find the exact sized screw ? 

It seems like you will run the risk of tearing the tube, unless you find screws that are near perfect ? 
dear anwar,
admittedly, i had not gone thru this iste extensively. so when i saw a thread on motor mounts, thought i should share soem of my experiences. So last night i quckly arranged whatever i had and took photos  in order to post them here. So it was not perfect.
The refill works perfect and you should see it to believe. I have used it invariably on most of my 5/10/and 16 gram motor models. It has never given me any problem. In fact i was unable to take out the tubes from the foam. the screw that i used is 2.5mm/ 5mm steel screws and they are perfect for Reynod type refills. I will post some clearer photos later.
Same idea can work with 3/4 mm refills also i am sure for larger motors.
I wait for some feed back after some body tries this. i recommend it from the point of the easiness and rigidity of its usage.
You can't be first because you do not know!


I'm going to use the bottle cap and neck idea for a couple of foam models. Right now in model stock verification mode so building is the only activity that I can do.


Great Ideas...  {:)} {:)} {:)} Truely Ingenious  :salute:  :salute:

I am going to try the window channel idea, but I wonder, if that can be done for Mr Moss (I want to avoid drilling a hole in the fuse). The motor is 2850 brushless weighing about 32 grams. The motor mount that came with the kit is not matching any of the holes on the motor... Can anyone chip in an idea or two  :help:

Here is the pic of mount that came with the kit. (image flipped from Ashta's post  :-[ ) Ofcourse, I can use some other mount and keep this for stock to be used later... By the way, for those not familiar with MOSS, the fuse on which motor is to be mounted is a 10 mm carbon fibre square rod...  :help:


Used Zip Tag or Cable tie instead of screws works fine .
If  you want to use fasteners only  then cyno a small piece of Ply to the mount and use fastners.

Sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


Hey Ashta, I think for me your bottle cap idea is THE WINNER. I have converted my Picojet using a coke bottle cap and everyone at club was amazed at my motor mount.
It can be unscrewed to change the motor, I will put some images some time, for now just a short incomplete video of a very windy day................. Well done buddy.



Motor mount made of coro and sim card plastic

1. Cut two square pieces of coro and sim card plastic
2. Stick the coro pieces so that the flutes are perpendicular to each other as in pic 1 and stick the plastic on both sides of the coro sheets. Drill hole as per your motor
3. Take tooth picks and break them to proper size so that when you insert into the motor and through the motor mount it sticks out on both sides
4. put rubber bands as in pic 2


all this is ok
but how to mount big motors
i mean +250 watt motors
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