Locally available epoxy and/or CA/glue for foam planes

Started by anwar, March 21, 2009, 03:18:23 PM

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As said before by Ashish, you can get the foam safe "Evotite" from www.rcforall.co.in
and dude! did your kit not come with the foam safe glue along ?
Money flies when the transmitter is ON...


@ speedracer

Tnx buddy..
'Fevicryl hobby ideas - NO STICH fabric glue' works good on EPP.
Locally available and doest cost much compared to FoamSafe glues.

I have tried EPP-EPP it  works great.
Yet to try CFRod-EPP.

~ It's funny how fallin' feels like flyin' ~
           ~ For a little while ~


For thermocol, you can check home made glue.
1. Cellulose glue -I
You can make it with Potato (!).
Take 1Cubuc Cm of potato, and boil in half cup of water for 30-45 minute. maintain water volume by adding or can boil in closed tin container. Just add some CuSO4 to save the joints from ants to eat (Dont add in tin container as it corrode Fe and make FeSo4). That's it.
Use it with temp 45-60 C.
2. Cellulose glue-2
Use rice powder or flower powder or Small SabooDana.
Boil with water. Can also add CuSO4 to save from Ants.
Boil till transperent like color form. Dim the stove to avoid wastage for bubbling.
Apply hot but not so much that foam shrink.
Gum/Gond granuls / Sirish
Melt in hot water, apply with brush, join and check the rigidity.

Checking :
1. Always use the thinnest possible layer for apply.
2. Use hot but not too much hot so that Base material damage.
3. Use of a small poison will save your plane in hanger from attack of ants.

=====Just check and fine tune for your weather =============
Humid weather like coatal areas are not recomended for cellulose based glue(1 or 2) but resin/rubber based glue(3).

Synthetic glues are good with Marine/polystic type. (I prefer Jivanjorh Polystic)
But use with thinner coat if require dilute with water for good bonding. Of course, apply pressure for better joints.

Rubber based adhesive (Like Dendrite) are diluted with thinner and just check how the thinner reacts with Thermocol. They are best suited for Balsa/Wood with thinner coat.

If you want to got informed about various glues available, go to nearest car ornamentation center where film covering is done with Tyre repairing. If AC Insulation and/or home decoration like matting is done nearby, Its the treasure island for your aeromodelling hobby.

My MoBo was down and just made up with atom. Long detach.

We have to unite and to prove ourself to make indigenous products as well as marketing / Canvasing them. I'm sure we must achieve success if we try unitedly.


I was able to use 'BOLI' super glue on my EPP (got from eppindia).
This is damn cheap in the local market.
You get 3 tubes for Rs 10/- in the market(Yes 3 for 10).
The local shop sells at Rs 5/- per tube.

Once opened you should use this pretty fast. May be 24-48hrs?
Keepin in fridge will give much more life.

I must say I havent tried other CA (like feviquick) on this EPP.

Some one can try this on Depron/Thermocol and let us know if it works fine..

~ It's funny how fallin' feels like flyin' ~
           ~ For a little while ~


Feviquick as well as Super Glue works well with EPP foam sheets!!!


i use anabond CA cheap n best n strong on both EPP and Coro
it cost 40/- for 20g
To increase thrust you need more  money! But to reduce weight you  need nothing!


Hi Guys, It seems you are making a lot of Foam planes, first of all what foam are we talking of, is it foam board or EPP or are the two the same? Where can i find Foam Board or EPP in Delhi.

What is the approximate cost?



Anyone tried hot glue gun on foam? At first I thought it might burn the foam... but guess what all my models are repaired and scratch models are fixed by normal glue gun. BEWARE: keep the nose away from foam... a very slight touch can make a hole :)

Also try it first on safe piece of foam before trying on main portion.


@ drone - i bought this for RS.20 for one! Iv used it on my balsa models and i love it! But mine is not foam safe. It made a neat hole through thermocol. Can glue which is not safe on Thermocol be safe on epp??


What foam are we talking about? how much does it cost?


Quote from: findvikas on October 24, 2010, 05:43:21 PM
Anyone tried hot glue gun on foam?

Yes, hot glue works fine on the foam-board type of foam, with the caveat as mentioned above by Vikas.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
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Another Rubber Based Glue Found which doesn't destroy Foam(Any kind of Foam.)

Fevicol Decorative Glue....

Comes in a metal tube with a black cap on it. MRP 25/- [In Indore(M.P)]

I have tried and tested. Just Apply on both surfaces. allow to dry for 5~10 min and stick. Makes bond in less than 10 to 15 minutes. and after it gets dried. You wouldn't be able to un-stick it. But I prefer you to leave it for half an hour after sticking.
Tested on Bio Foam.

I have used in several operations like:
Bio Foam To Coro Sheet.
Bio Foam to thermocoal.
Bio Foam to wood.(Takes more time in bonding)
Bio Foam to CF Rod.
Even I have glued hinges to finish with the control surfaces of Bio Foam.
Took more time but after it is done. You would need Plier or something to pull off the hinge piece.

No problem in applying with bare fingers.

Can be found locally at Art & Craft Stores. If the shopkeeper don't understand this glue. Tell him that you want to stick foams...

Used more than 2 tubes till now and no problem at all.

Happy Gluing Guys...!  :thumbsup:
Hope you could find a better glue...



EPP is much more versatile in this respect and can take most types of glue/bond (that thermocol cant).
Also BOLI is very cheap and does good bond. (not good on Thermocol, so its only EPP safe and not foam safe)
However CA hardens and forms a solid on EPP. Though not an issue I personally dont prefer this.

I have found hotglue to be the cheap and fast way for joining epp.

Applying directly would melt the EPP in some cases and requires some pract. Good way is apply a lump on waste piece and transfer immediately to you plastic card (old debit/credit cards) and apply to the joint. Good for side by side '--' joints and 'hot glue hinge'.
For 'L', 'T' joints apply direclty from gun.
For stacking it would be ordinary fevicol applied to both the layers.

Another (but expensive and professional) option for foam would be 3M Super 77.
~ It's funny how fallin' feels like flyin' ~
           ~ For a little while ~


@ Sumeet
Fevicol Decorative: Is this a dark brownish glue ?
~ It's funny how fallin' feels like flyin' ~
           ~ For a little while ~


Quote from: Drone on December 13, 2010, 01:00:54 PM
@ Sumeet
Fevicol Decorative: Is this a dark brownish glue ?

Ya I think you got it...!

Will be posting some pics soon...!


Managed to find it today..........Will try it and post the results.......For now, I am attaching a picture for reference


Quote from: buzz_rc on December 14, 2010, 12:27:06 PM
Managed to find it today..........Will try it and post the results.......For now, I am attaching a picture for reference

Ya this is that thing which I use with Biofoam.
Good experience till now...


Is there a difference between Fevibond and Fevicol Decoration Glue ? (apart from packing and pricing)

Also what is the difference between Fevibond and Fevicol SR 998 ? (both look like cobblers glue  ;D)

Fevicol SR 998 doesnt work on Thermocol. But is excellent for veneer (and may be balsa too ?)
~ It's funny how fallin' feels like flyin' ~
           ~ For a little while ~


If I am not mistaken, Fevibond is like Dendrite - rubber based solvent that will eat Depron / Thermocole. Fevicol Decoration Glue is Foam safe - as is mentioned on the package - "Ideal for bonding Thermocole". However, I can't seem to find it in the local market here at Guwahati.

Buzz / Sumeet can you help me out? I need some tubes of the stuff.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Hi VC, I managed to find this 1 tube with a lot of difficulty too...a lot of shopkeepers don't even know that it exists....I'll definitely try to find a different source, if I do, ill let you know.....




About 5 tubes to start off. Thanks for your PM. I am sending you all the relevant details. Please send only after you receive the money from me.

Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Guys i have posted some pics showing where I used the "Fevicol Decoration Glue" recently.
I hope this can help you in choosing a new Foam-Safe glue...



Could you also share the plans for the Mustang here? Please.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Quote from: VC on December 16, 2010, 10:39:27 PM
Could you also share the plans for the Mustang here? Please.

Before I do that...
I want to let you know that the real plan is about 44" Wing Span "Approximately".
And I scaled it to the smaller size ie; 33" Wing Span...