Painting Method For Depron

Started by yd_rawat, September 19, 2010, 12:48:18 AM

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hey fellows,

i want to paint camo on my depron foamies...i tried it one of the Fevicryl sprays but it ate away the foam totally... :( :( :( had to make the whole wing again :banghead: :banghead:
please help me out..any idea which spray can can i use??..moreover any idea about air-brush/spray availability here in India??



Try using the Fevicryl fabric paint using a airbrush or a home made spray using the legendary "flit"
the small pump which was mostly used to spray cockroach poison, it is still available in some hardware shops.
Don't know what the outsome of the home made spray would be but we used to paint bicycles with this method.
hope atleast something helps.

Money flies when the transmitter is ON...

yd_rawat the way i tried using the spray/sprinkler used by didnt work...will try using the legendary "flit"...
cheers.. :salute:



Hey YD!
let us know if it works, but make sure..fabric paint, Its water proof, and gives a better rubbery, epoxy kinda finish..
Money flies when the transmitter is ON...


@Controlflyer  ya sure...
i think that was the mistake i was making...i was using normal paint with that barber sprayer...will try with fabric paint...
thanks again man...



Fevicryl Poster and Fabric (Acrylic) colors are foam safe and the later one give a nice gloss finish as well.

using a paint brush is almost useless for non-fine art person like me. you get small 'Tattoo' Airbrush set at decent Tool/Machinery stores for as less Rs 800-1200. You would need to buy an Air Compressor pump(a costly and rare item) or use compressed air cans which are mush economical.  this pump issue is holding me long from going for an Air brush set.

I have been contemplating for this Air pump issue and thinking of using old Jeep tubes. you can get them for as less as Rs 500-100. Go to nearby Puncture  repair guy and get it filled for Rs 2. Any body tried that ? Would the pressure be enough ?
Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother


I think this issue has been thrashed, in a thread by Sundaramvelar, some time ago.
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Quote from: ujjwaana on September 19, 2010, 10:14:06 AM

I have been contemplating for this Air pump issue and thinking of using old Jeep tubes. you can get them for as less as Rs 500-100. Go to nearby Puncture  repair guy and get it filled for Rs 2. Any body tried that ? Would the pressure be enough ?

Thats an ingenious idea... While I do not know if that can work or not, may be VC can answer better since he has tried it.

As regards the pressure, the pilot spray guns mentioned by VC elsewhere require 1 Kg / cm2 pressure.  The tyre tubes normally are filled to 28~30 psi (normal tyre pressure for cars) which would be 1.9~2.1 kg/cm2 and i think should be enough.


People have tried all kind of things to skirt the expenses involved in buying a compressor. Tyre tubes, Hazzak lantern bases, Refilling old deo cans with air after fitting a cycle valve at the base and welding it. The results vary.

I personally went into a lot of detail and picked up a refrigerator coolant tank and fashioned the valves. yet to test it completely.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!




I have given thought about the Car Air Pump long time back. Was waiting for some other member to test the waters.

As far as the Airbrush goes, I have decent decent Airbrush, like ones from Pilotindia, in machine tool shops in SP Road Bangalore for Rs 800-1200 only. One should find them in similar tool markets in other major cities.

The Air compressor mentioned above, though looks real very professional seems costly for Rs 500 I guess. Gaurav from Allahabad was selling a more practical compressor from Testers (tower hobbies ) for 1700, good price but it worked on 110v AC.

Even Rotor has few Air compressors: (Are they for Air brush){7062A736-926F-47E1-ACE8-F39BF67E6030}

Hobby King has a clone of the Testers compressor for $31 + $30 Shipping to India(2.5KG)

I would be delighted if the Rs 600 worth tires compressor works with Air Brush.

Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother


Those tyre compressors make a racket. Also the output is pulsed which won't suit an airbrush. If you have a big tank, to average out the pulses, it might work. But the sound is a real turn off. They also overheat pretty fast. I had one which gave up its life too soon. Something blew off, I haven't yet opened it up to see what gave way.

The tyre as storage might sound like a good idea, but the volume is really low. Beginners will waste a lot of air and the air will run out in no time.


I had posted a link to the tyre compressor long ago in the thread of Sundaramvelar. I have used it to charge a compressed air tank which is available at any refrigerant parts shop. The air has to be pumped in and stored in the tank which is fitted with a pressure gauge. Once the desired pressure is achieved in the tank, the inlet valve is shut off and the outlet valve to the airbrush is opened.

Commence spraying. Once the pressure drops, reverse the process. Switch off the outlet valve, switch open the inlet valve and switch on the compressor. In this system, the only flaw is that you need to fine tune it a lot at the beginning, thats where I lost patience. All my stuff is neatly packed away as we are about to shift residence. Therefore I can't post the pictures of my setup.

Simpler method is to connect the compressor directly to the airbrush. The pressure will build inside the pipe and you can paint in short bursts. Zap, zap, zap - allow pressure to build, zap, zap, zap, allow pressure to build, zap, zap, zap....!  ;D

However, if you don't time it to perfection, the pipe will blow out off the airbrush or the compressor end!  :giggle: With a bit of practice and concentration, this system can be used for painting smaller models.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


For fabric paint, what kind of medium is used? or directly using fabric paint. Today I have seen the  "Camel" and "Faber - Castell" brands, which says, "can be used directly"! does it means, medium is not mandatory?

May be a funny question, can we use "water" as medium for fabric paint?  :giggle:

Spektrum DX6i | AXN Floater-Jet


There is a medium available for fabric paint. Its a white liquid sold in well stocked art shops. Check in a LandMark shop near your place. I've seen it in Bangalore at least.


Air brush compressors are mostly diaphragm pumps and not piston pumps. That is why they are noiseless and have a even pressure. Further they have a pressure sensitive cut out switch which switches on and off the pump as and when it is being used.

Similar diaphragm air pumps are Aquarium air pumps. High capacity good quality aquarium pumps deliver good volume of air and at good pressure ( Not the cheaper home aquarium pumps but the one used for large and deep aquariums). They are available for about Rs 1000/-. Has any one tried them for spray painting?

One more silent air pump available for about Rs 1500 is Nebulizer air pumps used for treating Asthma patients which delivers good volume of air at good pressure. Has any one tried this?


Quote from: dileepbalan on September 19, 2010, 08:16:53 PM
May be a funny question, can we use "water" as medium for fabric paint?  :giggle:
Water works.

Quote from: sundaramvelar on September 19, 2010, 09:49:12 PM
Similar diaphragm air pumps are Aquarium air pumps. High capacity good quality aquarium pumps deliver good volume of air and at good pressure ( Not the cheaper home aquarium pumps but the one used for large and deep aquariums). They are available for about Rs 1000/-. Has any one tried them for spray painting?

One more silent air pump available for about Rs 1500 is Nebulizer air pumps used for treating Asthma patients which delivers good volume of air at good pressure. Has any one tried this?

How much pressure do these develop ? Their intended use doesn't require high pressure, hence the question.

Also which brand nebulizer did you find for 1500 ? I had a one time need for it once in the family, but the prices I got was near 3000. Might consider getting one if it is cheaper.


My Bad Nebuliser which I saw was for Rs 1850/- not Rs 1500/-

Aquarium pumps do not have equivalent pressure as an airbrush compressor, however high capacity air pumps do have sufficient pressure to push down water column of 1.5-2 Mtrs and further deliver air bubbles inside the aquarium. Exact pressure I will have to measure. Was just trying to see if someone has attempted this Modification.


Theoretically they don't seem to be suitable airbrushing. The nebulizer has max pressure of 29psi. While you could paint with thin paints at lower pressures, there is not much head room. Another important issue is the airflow rate, 9lpm is too low.

A water column of over 20m corresponds to 30psi according to Also I don't think the airflow will be enough. So looks like aquarium pumps are out of contention.


I think you may be right about both. I have no way of testing a Nebulizer with the airbrush. However I am planning to test the air brush with aquarium pumps will post the results. Anyone having the nebuliser can do the same and post the results if possible.

Why this hunch with me is that when I am painting with aircompressor meant for air brush, the air brush continues to paint even after the pressure has fallen down from its max set from 40 psi to I think about 20 when you are operating with paint which has sufficient viscosity. Therefore If it is able to paint with much lower pressure with paint thinned down then it should serve the purpose marginally.


An important question here is, what is the ideal pressure for spray painting...

From one of the other forums that I see for my static models,

15-25 psi is best for most situations.

Other than that, the best advise is "practice practice practice"

If that is the case, the aquarium pump (big ones) or the nebuliser pumps could be enough.

The link to above quote is


You need to look at psi + airflow rate. You could fill up a tank with a low airflow compressor and then start painting. But it will drain out very fast unless you have a huge reservoir. It is recommended to keep the airflow on when you paint, so you use up air pretty fast. If you have to take long breaks frequently to let the tank fill up, it is frustrating.


Bought an acrylic spray paint from G.C Laha today, the brand is Arfina and it is marketed by Camlin. The bottle says that it is suitable for use with thermocol and so did the salesman. Tried on a small piece of biofoam, it ate it completely, lucky that i didn't try it on my model. Full Rs 190 wasted. Will go tomorrow and will buy Acrylic fabric paint, hopefully that will work.

Just want to know how the finish would be if i use a paintbrush for painting?

Does anyone here knows a foam safe spray paint available in India?

How do i paint on sanded depron without using air brush?
Be Inquisitive


I bought Camlin poster paints today. Each bottle contains 30ml of paint. Wanted to know how much water has to be mixed with that?

And Anyone with answers to my previous question?
Be Inquisitive


Someone at our field used ordinary "permanent markers" to great effect.  Will try to snap some pictures next time.

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