Question on threadlocker.

Started by gauravag, January 20, 2010, 02:56:24 PM

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On my recent Singapore visit i bought 2 threadlockers from Singahobby : - Red - Blue

Now, while assembling/working on my Heli, can I use these or do i need to get the specific T22 ? The issue i am concerned is that they may be a little stronger than whats needed on the miniTitan / Raprot 50 ( throughout the manual, there are instances where they have directed to use red/blue threadlockers ) and i may end up having a hard time during dis-assembly later.
Or are these OK, and i just ensure only a little bit is used ?


I have similar ones from another brand, and use the BLUE ("removable") one for 99% to 100% on any heli build.  The rare 1% where you use the "permanent" RED ones are when you are 100% sure that you would NEVER want to remove it (for example, to connect the 3 ball-ends to the swash plate itself).

Using the red one else where can cause serious grief, as reported by Rajesh/RotorZone here : 

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Quote from: anwar on January 20, 2010, 03:05:47 PM 

The whole thread should be of interest to you.
Thanks, i read the thread the other day and that is why was concerned about the usage of this product. I know i will need to open many of the fasteners at some point in case of a crash so need to be careful. Will use the blue one and with care.


Quote from: anwar on January 20, 2010, 03:05:47 PM
Using the red one else where can cause serious grief, as reported by Rajesh/RotorZone here : 

It wasn't red. It was blue anabond one that caused the grief.


Blue for removable and red for permanent is a standard that is being adopted by many thread-lock makers, but not all. Over application of blue itself may cause such issues.

It is critical that only the last 2 to 3 threads alone are coated with the glue initially for optimum performance.
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As suggested by Adarsh( the Loctite 222 is better than Anabond blue. It is Low strenght Thread locker for smaller screws. The MRP for 50 ml is 416, But I got it for a street price of 350 bucks. This will last longer than the 2 years expiry date.