Looking for a good 6-9 Channel TX/RX

Started by Priyum, June 03, 2014, 12:34:52 PM

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Hey guys,

Im looking for a good new or used 2.4ghz transmitter and receiver with 6-9 channels in a budget so if anyone has one please let me know,i want one which can be programmed on field not needing a laptop to program.This is not going to be a sure shot buy but i would like to the see the radios all have to offer and if it fits my budget i will surely buy it,my budget is around 6-7k.

Tonight Im Flyin' You.


We have flysky t6 6channel radio
And flysky 9x 9 channel radio in stock
For further information
Please pm me

Passion is Airborne


I have one.. unused. It would fit in your budget. Pm me for further details.


Sorry amy but i have already bought one from chintal,so i would request the admin to close this thread.
Tonight Im Flyin' You.