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Buying Servo,ESC etc

Started by Priyum, June 22, 2013, 10:05:42 PM

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Hello guys,

Ive built a model of my delta with biofoam without the electronics and im in need of electronics,they must be cheap as my budges is only 1500 for these,

1 ESC - 30Amps
2-3 Servos (9gm-10gm ones)
Battery - 1000mah or 800mah 3S
Charger - 3S (Cheap one)
(Please note that the battery,charger and ESC wires for connecting to the battery should  be having the same connectors as i dont know how to solder and also cant)

It would be highly highly appreciated if only one guy would be able to send me all this,
Tonight Im Flyin' You.


dude... you shouldnt buy a charger on the cheap... a good LiPo charger is an investment.... if you cheap out, it can damage your LiPo's.... i would suggest get a turnigy accucel-6, it's a very good charger, and budget friendly...

about 1300 :Rs: w/o shipping


I know it would but im very tight on my budget,i have 1500  :Rs: for all of this stuff as this is my second build that is sitting,besides this is an extra 300 which i will maiden tommorow and i cant remove all my electronics from the extra as its a beauty.
Tonight Im Flyin' You.


why don't you take a look here?
there are some things like servo's... you can talk to for esc, ask forum member pooyan if he has a 35 Amp esc left... those are good, i got one from him for 500/-