I want Model Trains, Tracks and other required things

Started by dmindian, April 23, 2012, 05:54:52 PM

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Hello :)
I am from Kolkata
I want to buy the things as stated in the title. Please help me, Any seller from Kolkata is preferred if possible. Other wise anybody who can help is welcomed.

Thanks :)


What gauge? OO, HO, N...?

New or used?

Please be specific.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Price is the factor here for now, I don't know the prices. But I would prefer HO or OO Scale
New as well as Used will also be welcomed until they are good.



Cant you make your own one in the specified scale..?  can add lots of tracks all around your garden and plots.. trains at imagination..!!   :thumbsup:


But how is it possible??
Please Reply to my PM

Thanks :)


Why not reply out here? Let us all learn from Roopesh Sir!
Be Inquisitive



Sure respected modellers.. i will share some of my train models, and technics about making it easy.. the diesel electric train is far easier, as it never contains complex moving systems, and over head power lines.. will share some here.. and i stopped making trains, as it became a mad to me.. and just my wife was getting lots of anger on me and she stepped all over it once..


There is a treasure trove of Railway sets lying with a person in Kolkata, All Marklin HO Gauge. Massive collection with more than 200 engines and 1000 Rolling Stock. The last that I knew, he had enough layout to cover an area of more than 1500 sq.ft. I don't know if he will be willing to part with any, but you can try your luck.Try and trace out one Mr. Burjor Patel, the Park Street/ Russell Street auction houses can provide leads. If he is still around, Mr. Patel will be around 80 years old today.

All the best!
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!



No, I last met him about 15 years ago, when I was heavily into HO / OO Gauge. Nevertheless, start scouting the auction houses on Russell Street, I picked up some amazing deals there.

Check out Wonderland Toys at the crossing of Free School Street and Park Street. They used to be Hornby Dealers once upon a time. Victory Hobbies and Pline Hobbies (Howrah) are both members on this forum and are both dealing in model railways. Have you contacted them?

Hornby would be the best bet:

Positives : Huge range, comparatively cheap prices (Model Railways is an EXPENSIVE hobby)
Negatives : The OO Gauge makes all Engines and Rolling Stock look a little 'Upright' and top heavy in comparison, when using a mixed traffic of HO/OO components (Most modellers do).

Other than that, Bachmann from USA is also economical. Be prepared to shell out Rs.2500/- for a Diesel Loco and Rs.5000/- for a Steam.

It is a beautiful hobby, you won't regret this. :thumbsup:
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


By the way, how much of experience do you have in this hobby? I hope you won't find this question impertinent. The reason why I ask is so that I know if you need any further guidance on the basics. At the moment, pardon me for assuming that you are a newcomer with zero experience / research in this field and I am lecturing you on the very basics. Forgive me if I am wrong.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!

flying truck

VC sir are you into this hobby? When i was 12 i asked my uncle for a train set (a plastic one) little did i know he was into model railroading so what i ended up with was a HO scale railroad started set and a bunch of engines and controllers, they have been sitting safely tucked a way in a box ever since. Could you help me through the basics? And where can i buy tracks?


Quote from: flying truck on April 24, 2012, 11:35:45 PM
a bunch of engines and controllers, they have been sitting safely tucked a way in a box ever since.

Bunch of Engines??? (:|~ (:|~ (:|~

Please elaborate................

Yes, I am into this hobby for the last 20 years, now in hibernation. How may I be of service?
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!

flying truck

Yes quite of few diesel locomotives (a few were from lifelike others i have to check), just one steam engine. I want to build a track that goes back in time. I wanna get more steam engines and build a fully functional loco yard with a working turntable and all. As much input on what i should be doing will be appreciated.


Ya You are right I am a fan of Railway from childhood, but recently came to knew about this. And I only Know about the scales, but still have confusion about their exact size, You are always welcome to teach me more  :hatsoff:

OK, Thanks. I will try to search him and also search them in the Toy Store. And about Bachmann Where to buy?? And I can happily give 2500INR and also 5000INR for locos, but where to buy??
Is this site good??

Thanks :)


I had built my own turntable 15 years ago (couldn't afford to buy one then). Build a shunting / marshalling yard, it is awesome.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


No idea about that site. I trust victoryhobbies (member of this forum) based out of Madurai (I hope I got that right?). They have a large collection and are ever so ready to help.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Yup I mailed them[victoryhobbies], but still no reply. If you have any contact number please provide me.
Pline is very much costly and produces only brass models of Garden Scale.


Victory Hobbies details:
Victory Hobbies
4540 Villapuram
Vignesh balsubranium

See if this helps.

My advise would be to invest in a beginners set to start with and do a huge amount of reading on the net. Try and purchase American makes as they are the best value for money. Marklin and Flieschman are German and too expensive in the long run. Hornby - I just dont like. Just search for "Model RR for beginners" on google and you will have a lot of stuff to start with. NMRA is a great site. Also check out "Tony's Trains". Just remember that this is a very painstaking and patience-taxing hobby and also rather expensive (fortunately you dont crash and dent your purse). But patience and eye for detail is essential. There is no RTF and ARF here! You have to get down and get your hands dirty.

I have been into model rr for about 15 years now and have just dismantled my third layout (pics ttached) in the hope of designing and building a completely new one at my new house in Kerala.
I have always stuck with HO for various reasons (good compromise between space considerations and failing eyesight!!!!).
I run all American locos (about 10 of them I think) and wagons (about 100) and my layouts are freelanced (not based on any actual current or past prototype). Atlas is my choice of locos (diesel) as they are reliable without being expensive and my wagons are assorted. My last layout had about 200 running feet of track with industrial sidings and a shunting yard as the main features.
I have been using Peco and Hornby flex track and my trains run on Digitrax Super Chief DCC system with sound. I use ESU Loksound decoders in all my locos.


Wow Pradeep Sir that is very beautiful. If you find time then please post a video.
Be Inquisitive


Pradeep Sir, beautiful layout. I had something similar that I dismantled when I relocated to Guwahati, 12 years ago. Never had the time to put it up again. I have about 20 Engines and rolling stock. Jouef, Fleischmann, Hornby, Triang (Metal body), Lima, Roco, Pico (erstwhile East Germany), Bachmann are some of the marques that I have. Will try and put up some pictures soon.

Crown Railways based out of Malad West in Mumbai, used to manufacture a starter set based on a 0-4-0 Triang Loco in the early sixties. I'm lucky to have 2 such engines in my collection.

I too believe in "freelanced layouts".
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Vc, you are quite a collector! It would be such a pleasure to meet you. I remember Crown and I have seen some of their wagons. I hope my RR does not get relegated to storage in the process of re-locating!


Arcarious @ Akky.....
I have never crashed while flying....Its the Landing only that gets me....
Happy Landings....&.....Happy Crashings


Thank You Mr Pradeep :hatsoff: It was really helpfull :)

And also thank you akky, they are really mouth watering (:|~ (:|~ (:|~
What a Collection :bow: :bow: :bow: