I want Model Trains, Tracks and other required things

Started by dmindian, April 23, 2012, 05:54:52 PM

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Okay DM - you need to make a few decisions first:
1. Scale - HO, N, Z, O, G etc. I would suggest HO as it has the widest range available and is the most popular. That reason goes a long way as a decision maker in our country. http://www.nmra.org/beginner/scale.html,
2. Operating system - DC (Direct current) or DCC (Digital Command Control). I started with DC and converted to DCC about 6 years ago. Its not so much more expensive than Dc as people make it out to be. Tou can start small and grow as you go along. Its worth it. www.dccwiki.com/DCC_advantage_over_DC, http://www.modeltrainforum.com/showthread.php?t=972, http://www.tonystrains.com/tonystips/dccprimer/intro/dcc-different-dc.htm,

Once you have decided, write me a line and we can take it further.


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1. I also Prefer HO, but How about OO. Is it good and easily available? Is it little expensive than HO? I heard OO runs on same track size as HO..!!

2. About OS, It is still confusing me. Reading the articles, DCC looks more better. But For now Money Matters for me. So you tell me which ones better and which one should I adopt.


OO is 1/76 scale loco running on HO (1/87) tracks. To me it looks a bit out of proportion. Anyway if you build HO you can run a few OO trains on it too.
I would say invest a bit more and go with DCC. Much easier to set up and operate and much more dynamic and realistic. Buy in small bits. Your first investment needs to be time - to find a suitable track plan and purchase tracks and turnouts for it. I would suggest that you build a "Allen's Time Saver" or a similar puzzle first. Its a classic switching puzzle layout that can be accomodated in a small space and can be put away when not in use unlike a large layout. http://www.gdlines.com/Timesaver_Plans.html, http://www.wymann.info/ShuntingPuzzles/. It can also be incorporated into a larger layout later if you so wish. Building this will teach you the basics of Model RR and its operation.
Investment will be the following:
1. Digitrax Zephyr Extra - for DCC operations. http://www.tonystrains.com/products/digitrax_stsets.htm $180.00
2. Peco or Hornby flex tracks. I can give you some of my used stock. Enough to build a Time Saver.
3. Five turnouts ( preferably No 5 or 6). I'll see if I have spares.
4. One loco - preferably a small shunter/switcher (with decoder and sound) - $180.00
5. Five 40' freight cars - Bachman $15.00 each
6. Five Hornby or Peco point motors $10.00 each (I need to see if I have any spare)
7. 15 to 18 V AC power supply
8. Misc stuff like ply board, wiring of proper gauge, nails and screws and then ofcourse material for building up the scenery.
All the above might be cheaper on ebay if you are patient and hunt for it.
By the way, whatever I mentioned as from my stock is not against any payment. If I have it, you can take it. But only once you have invested some time and money on a proper project.


Pradeep Sir, your kindness is laudable, to say the least. DM you are one lucky guy. Years ago, I've had to BEG people to sell me stuff. No one gave me anything for free.

One word of advice, if you decide to build OO, stick to only OO - don't mix HO with it. Personally, I would find that restrictive. If I were in your place, I would have gone ahead with HO and enjoyed the freedom of building, cross kitting, expanding et al.

An invaluable resource for all Model Railway enthusiasts. A must have book.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


VC, I wanted my first toy train when I was four years old. Must have been a pretty bad want because I remember every bit of it. Saw it in a shop window in New Market in Cal on Christmas Eve. I remember the steamer horns going off. Obviously we couldn't afford it and I decided to save for it in clay piggy bank. I remember the day it got full and I broke it. Got Rs.5/-. Still not enough by a long shot. Had to wait till I earned enough to afford such expensive toys. I realize DM cant afford it. He is a student. Thats the irony of it all. You have to grow up before you can play with these trains and planes. So if I have stuff I dont use, i have no problems giving it to someone who can use it and enjoy it. People have done it for me and I should do it for others.  Even with the freebies, it works out to a lot of money.
DM, you can get a workable HO train set (Bachman) for about $100.00 with about 12 pcs of track to cover a 4 ft board and a train that will go round and round. Thats a toy. You'll get bored with it in no time. I have no idea how old you are but if you are anywhere over 15, thats a waste of money. Better to save a bit and start with the serious stuff.


Deja Vu. That sounds so strangely familiar. I practically grew up in a toy shop called Modern Toys in New Market, owned by the Sahas, all "Uncles" to me. As an adult, I raided their junk heap to retrieve the 2 Crown railway sets. Thereafter, I tracked down Mr. Ashwn Mehta (his father owned Crown railways) during my sojourn at Mumbai and bought a lot of imported stuff from him.

I've seen the best and worst of this hobby and experienced ecstasy and agony. I've seen the nadir of degradation amongst the erstwhile riche of North Calcutta, who would smash and stuff priceless engines into cartons but would refuse to part with them. These sets were collected by their fore fathers and are today rotting away along with their decrepit homes. I've met a man who lived, and probably still lives, in a time warp near Marine Drive Station. He still believes that India is ruled by the Brits and he hasn't stepped out of his home since 1945. He was hand crafting a Bombay Central Layout in OO gauge. This was one scary, surreal experience.

I remember the Anglo Indian gentleman from Park Circus, Kolkata, who sold off 25 Complete Train sets to Mr. Thambe of Guest Keen Williams for a paltry Rs.25,000/- in 1992. I wept that night. My wife understood.

I've drooled over two Godrej Almirahs stuffed with Marklin Locos. I've seen a Fleischmann 2-6-2 being torn to pieces by a destructive 6 year old. I could go on and on.

Yes, I have seen a lot. Perhaps, the reason why I choose to keep this hobby under wraps for the moment is because, I don't want to relive the frustration of not being rich enough. Maybe someday I will be, and then I can afford to create the layout that I have always dreamt of.

Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Yeah, I am 17 Years Old. Thanks for what ever you said {:)} {:)}
Yah I will get bored that is why I dont want a train set but Individual Things.
Real jobs is way too far, and I don't want to wait. I will have to gather and incrrease my Investment soon, But the problem is there is no good store to buy. I tried to contact Victory Hobbies, He told he will email me but I have not got a mail from him. Just now I cannot afford the DCC. Can anybody provide me with other Stores for Model Trains? Is www.hobbylinc.com trustable, can they ship it to India?

@VC No Indian Online store has this book, Amazon does not ship to India when I tried to ship few months back. Can you provide me the link?

Modern Toys in New Market, Does they still deal with Model Railroads??

And my all wishes are with you, I hope you make one of the greatest layout soon :) Then I will surely visit it, Hope you won't mind  :P :)

And Thanks a lot to all of you,  {:)} {:)} {:)} :bow: :bow: :bow: :hatsoff: :hatsoff: :hatsoff:


Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Wonderland Toys, Park Street, Kolkata
Phone:  (033) 22299062
Mobile:  9830050766, 9830153552
Address:   41, Park Mansion, 57-A, Park Street, Kolkata- 700016, West Bengal

Now laddie, the rest is up to you......................
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!



DM, if you want to start with a DC operation, I can loan you a Hornby dual controller for two  But you will still need a loco and a few wagons. Check out http://modeltrains-corner.com/c1_0021.htm, http://www.decibelscalemodels.com/, trains.http://www.trainaidsa.in/. See if there is anything within your budget. DO NOT BUY WITHOUT CHECKING WITH VC OR ME FIRST.
As for books, the best model rr books are from Kalmbach Publishing. http://www.kalmbachstore.com/modeltrains-railroading-model-railroading-books.html
Here is someone who is building up slowly - http://www.team-bhp.com/forum/shifting-gears/39694-model-railroad-train-sets-thread-5.html


Hello VC Sir Thanks, Your Details of Wonderland Toys worked, They sell Hornby Models, New Stocks will come in May.

Thanks Pradeep Sir, It is really helpful. I will surely contact you before buying Locos and other stuffs.
The Changer tracks needs extra machine to do it automatically or its inbuilt?


Apart from showiing off  :giggle:, I am also trying to keep this thread from fading into oblivion. After all, we haven't had a Train thread here for a very long time.

Here are some of my Locos.

The first two are of my Roco Krokodil - my pride and joy.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Thanks to DM and Pradeep Sir, I managed to locate some of my stuff. The others are still packed up in my godown / studio.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Found some of my rolling stock, tracks and points / turnouts. Will post pictures soon.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!



Wow VC bhaiya, GOD knows what else you have packed up in your sleeves. Can I ask you something, If I may, with all these stuff that you have, why don't you build a layout in your house, its a pity that all these wonderful models have been kept into darkness.
Be Inquisitive


VC bhaiya and DM do these Wonderland guys keep RC stuff also, or any static airplane models/gliders?
Be Inquisitive


flying truck

That is a really diverse collection VC sir.

Here are some of mine

flying truck


Wow! All that stuff hidden away!
DM, the "changer tracks" are called "points". You  do have the option of "throwing" them manually or through "point motors" or more sophisticated decoder controlled slow speed "Tortoise" machines. A lot of experienced modellers prefer to throw them by hand as it is more authentic.


Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!




Hello Roopesh Sir :)

Please share us with your experiance of making model trains on your own if you have enough time..!!