Need a used beginner plane (Bixler/Surfer etc) with good TX + Battery

Started by kkarkare, September 01, 2022, 02:32:33 PM

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Getting back to RC flying after almost 8 years. Used to fly a Hobbyking Bixler back in the day, so looking for a similar beginner to get back to things. Along with a good battery and TX.


The sky surfer i believe is still available from rc Bazaar but honestly wouldn't recommend it.

Sending you number by dm. Happy to discuss.

K K Iyer

Quote from: kkarkare on September 01, 2022, 02:32:33 PM
Getting back to RC flying after almost 8 years. Used to fly a Hobbyking Bixler back in the day, so looking for a similar beginner to get back to things. Along with a good battery and TX.

Hi. Welcome to the forum.

You are in luck. What you want has just come up for sale.

Hope you find what you need within your budget.




Yup! Srajani shared the same with me as well. In touch with the seller. Thank you! :)

