Need 2 pairs of counter-rotating 10x4.7 props for quadrotor..

Started by Tx36, April 04, 2011, 09:16:08 PM

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Hi RC Indians,
First of all I'm new to the RC India forum, joined hoping i will get lots of help here..

i'm working on a quadrotor heli and i need 2 pairs of counter-rotating propellers of size 10x4.7 (inches).

My friend could get me 2 pairs of 10x4.7 SF props from Bangalore (i think RC Dhamaka) but they didnt have any counter-rotating props ( SP props ; correct me if i'm wrong )..

So i need a pair of 10x4.7 SP propellers, and if anyone can provide me or tell me any shop which has it, then it would be very helpful..

Thanks.. :)


as per my knowledge 10x4.7 sf prop counter rotating prop is not available any where 
Arcarious @ Akky.....
I have never crashed while flying....Its the Landing only that gets me....
Happy Landings....&.....Happy Crashings


As i mentioned above I already have the 10x4.7 SF propellers..
i need a pair of 10x4.7 SP propellers, both of these are also available in RC stores outside India.
I need them soon so i'm asking anyone in India is having them..


i also need these props for the same reason in thinking of getting them over the internet from
they have 10x6...

and if this doesn't work out u can try 1 thing that i tried n it worked out...
you cann simply mount any two motors which are on the same arm, at an angle of 8-10 degrees. it makes the quad a little less efficient but it works out..
here a link.. 


now, i'm changing my mind and going for the 10x6 propellers which is also the suggested props for my motor..
If anybody knows/has where i can get these 10x6 counter-rotating props in India?? please tell me..

ordering from hobbyking will take time so ...

@uditv, did u try the tilting with the 10x4.7 props or the 10x6 props??


i have them, link contact me on my email,
Multirotor Freak


i'm interested in those pros, but i'm not sure if the prop fits my prop mount..
can you please post close up pics of your props very soon??


Multirotor Freak