Hi All. . .My first post seeking help and guidance

Started by champno 1, November 10, 2014, 10:27:46 AM

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champno 1

Hi..I placed an online order for a few boat propellers to <thehobbyshop.in> two weeks back, I have yet not received the goods. On repeated calls either the seller does not pick the phone or his phone is switched off. It has been a very frustrating and shocking experience for me as it never happened before with me on any other online transaction. I request you to spread the word online against this fraudulent seller....and also advise me what shall i do next. . . Thanks


There are several threads on the forum regarding thehobbyshop.in. Look in the RC Outlets & Resellers Board. It appears that you are not the first customer to have such problems.


Well, I have been seeing so many issues with this seller, around the forum for a while......
But this store owner is a member here in RCI... try contacting through here.
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..

champno 1

Thanks guys for your response can you share his user id so that i may post him a personal message. . .also he is based out of Hyderabad,,,,any localite knows this store??????cheers


RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..

champno 1

Thanks mate...he has finally switched on his phone after threee days but as usual no reply....I hv written on his facebook profile as well....if he does not respond with a concrete answer by day end I am looking for all options to take him on task...


RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..

champno 1


RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..