RC diesel engine for RnD purpose

Started by abhay, May 22, 2011, 01:30:04 AM

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Quote from: vivek.sharma on May 24, 2011, 03:17:26 PM
Amyl Nitrate is not easily availible here, but we found a subsitute which really makes these diesels a wonder. It is a diesel (for diesel vichels ) additive from the company ELF. When you add 2-3% of it in the fuel you can increase the kerosene content upto 45% rest both equal.
If you want to try the additive please mail me your postal adderess on info@sharmamodel aero.com I will send the sample of it.

Dear Mr. Vivek,
Thanks for sending me the Elf sample or should i say a whole years supply- free of cost.
Used it yesterday on a frog 2.5 BB on a skybee with an 8x6 sharma prop.
Flew great for 3 sorties.
Then the plane crashed due do an unrelated mechanical failure and the engine mount broke.
Great stuff this elf additive. the engine ran smooth even when there were a few bubbles in the line.
I added about 2 % to my regular diesel fuel(33% castor, 33%ether, and 33% kerosene)
Great smooth runs. I will try 45% kerosene with 25% castor oil next time.
Once i repair the model, i will do rpm studies with fuel with and without the addditive.
Problem is once you have a well tuned diesel running and inhale the aroma- just can't resist flying the bird- to hell with all the studies etc.
No point posting a video here. even if one captures the sound; a diesel isn't a diesel without the smell.
Vivek sir, WHEN ARE THE BB SHARMA DIESELS COMING. I would be honoured to buy a prototype as soon as it is available and give you all the feedback.
Could you stock the elf additive so that we can buy it from you.


Quote from: mpsaju on May 23, 2011, 08:28:07 AM
Why dont you get anaesthetic ether... Ether used for giving anaesthesia from a medical supply shop... preferably from a medical shop found in small private hospitals.

Ether is no longer used for giving anaesthesia nowadays. too explosive.
But it is still used in hospitals asa solvent to remove plaster stains etc. Anaesthtic ether or Solvent ether but not PETROLEUM ether is easily available in lab/ chemical supply shops or go to a hospital and try and buy some. You could even order it through your local pharmacy- it may not be in ready stock


Got the engine delivered at my place 2 days back.. I was out of town, so couldnt reply....

Engine is good,though lacking some parts, but got what i wanted...   :salute:
I can take off and fly well. Its landing which sucks :banghead::banghead:

shubham rai


Quote from: abhay1290 on June 23, 2011, 11:14:05 AM
Got the engine delivered at my place 2 days back.. I was out of town, so couldnt reply....
Where did you get the engine from. What engine is it
Engine is good,though lacking some parts, but got what i wanted...   :salute:


he actually wanted to pm me that.... ( he did )  :salute:
Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines.
-Enzo Ferrari
