RC diesel engine for RnD purpose

Started by abhay, May 22, 2011, 01:30:04 AM

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Hello friends,
                I had been althroughout lucknow for ether, but i could never get it. Im keenly interested in diesels. So, it may seem to be a madness, but i want to run a diesel without ether. Or find some alternatives to run such engines without ether. I have read all threads about diesels on this forum, and somewhere at a place i read that "diesels can run without ether when they get heated up".This point made my mind.

Secondly, calorific value of kerosene is nearly double of glow. So i think if a diesel could be converted to run on ratio 2:1(kero:castor), it will yield much more power i guess.

               Coming to the point, i need a diesel engine lesser or upto 3.2cc , preferably used ones. I want to make few conversions on it, so little damaged engines with good compression and inact crankshaft will also do.

I can take off and fly well. Its landing which sucks :banghead::banghead:


I can take off and fly well. Its landing which sucks :banghead::banghead:


you can use a diesel engine without ether but you need to heat is up a lot so that the kerosens can ignite..... to get  lower ignition point we use ether...

i have posted here


its very difficult to start an engine without ether....

you can get one easily at a local chemical supplier (to collages).... u can call it DI-ETHYL-ETHER ( chemical formula : C2H5-O-C2H5 or C4H10O
:salute: :salute: :salute: :salute:

any help needed you can call on the below no......
Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines.
-Enzo Ferrari



Thanks RC Vish, but here point is, i am unable to obtain it. I found it on  chemistry lab equipment shop, but they refuse to give without proper documentation. I wonder why?

Once i had taken Potassium nitrate, and sulphur from same shop at same time. I told them that i am making bomb >:D. The shopkeeper(lady) smiled,and i got it with no issues.

Why there is issue with ether  :headscratch: :headscratch: . I told them that i will run an engine.
I can take off and fly well. Its landing which sucks :banghead::banghead:


Why dont you get anaesthetic ether... Ether used for giving anaesthesia from a medical supply shop... preferably from a medical shop found in small private hospitals.

Happy Flying



Hello Abhay,

It is great to know that you are keen on diesels.

For the ether please contact Mr. Ravi Kumar Gupta, he is aeromodelling instructor at lucknow NCC & flying diesels regularly in their  NCC. His cell no. is 9889816016. If you do not know him give him my reference, he will definately help you.  

Secondly, you want to run the engine only on Kerosene/ Castor oil Mix, there is a problem that these two do not mix in each other. try mixing them & then leave it for 4-5 minutes you will see both of them saperated (you will see two different layers of them). Both of them are soluble in Ether, so this also makes Ether to be added in the fuel. You can go for some other lubricant (Petroleum oil beasd)  that might solve the thing.

Anyways ALL THE BEST FOR WHAT YOU WANT TO TRY. Also please intimate me & forum whatever result you get.

Many Thanks & Regards,
Vivek Sharma


Thanks people. But first of all let me get some diesel engine atleast. Once i had a deal with amir sir on this forum, but i did not responded, coming to know that its not throttle controlled..

@ Vivek Sharma sir, ill talk to Ravi Sir. Previously i had misconcepts regarding him(but never discussed openly), but its all clear. He is not the guy i thought. He is really helpful, but busy too. I met him only once. 

Diesel owners!!!!...
Please feel free to make offers if anyone has any in spare.. or willing to sacrifice it for experiments :giggle:.
I can take off and fly well. Its landing which sucks :banghead::banghead:


why not buy a new one will hardly cost you some where 3500....

or i will check i have a spare i guess... will get back to you ...  :salute: :salute:
Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines.
-Enzo Ferrari



1.I would like to know if amyl nitrate or any other ignition booster for diesels is available.

2.what Mr. vivek sharma said is correct. kerosene and castor don't mix.

3.And Mr. sharma - when will the sharma diesels with ball bearings be available? Not that the present bush bearing ones are bad (they are excellent), but ball bearing ones will be better 25% more power.


dont know about ignition booster but u can substitute kerosene by ACETONE or normal DIESEL works fine and yields more power

@abhay: no one recommend you a RC (throttle controlled) engine on your RC plane..... the main reason is the sluggish response..... like u give " OPEN THROTTLE " it will open the barrel but the power will increase like "OOOOOOOOOO PPPPPPPPPPP EEEEEEEEEEE NNNNNNNNNNNN" will take 3-4 secs to give required power .... if it is a emergency like aborting landing or avoiding stall... your plane will be down the drain..

the diesels are superb for control lines(without carb) ....  a 2.5cc can turn a 9X6 or a 10X6  at 13-14000 rpm where a .15 glow(2.49cc) can barely turn 8X6 at 9-10000
Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines.
-Enzo Ferrari



R/C Vish is very correct that the throttle response of diesels is not good compared to glows, it really takes 2-3 seconds for comming from idle to full power.

Amyl Nitrate is not easily availible here, but we found a subsitute which really makes these diesels a wonder. It is a diesel (for diesel vichels ) additive from the company ELF. When you add 2-3% of it in the fuel you can increase the kerosene content upto 45% rest both equal.

Now by adding this your engine runs at somewhat low compression (nearly half turn lesser then the normal setting) flawlessly till the last CC of fuel in your tank. It really makes throttle response better (but still not as good as of glow's) & of course as you increase the kerosene you get more power out of it (nearly upto 1000 RPM more).

If you want to try the additive please mail me your postal adderess on info@sharmamodel aero.com I will send the sample of it.

For the ball bearing engines they are expected to be done till the end of this year.



@RC Vish - Which is thie diesel engine of 2.5cc displacement which can turn a 10x6 prop at 14 K? Would love to lay my hands on one at any cost sir. And using what fuel?
If you are really into scale you should be here. www.rcscalebuilder.com


the K&B ball bearing diesels, Merco... and even Kalper....

i have some old magazines dating back to 1951 where i read this stuff....

i have a experience of 2.5cc running a 9X6 sharma prop at 12000rpm
50% kerosene(white, double purified)
30% castor (medicated)
20% ether(di-ethly)

have to start with starter and cannot flip start..!! :salute: :salute:
Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines.
-Enzo Ferrari



i got a few diesels
not for sale
6.5 cc irvine schnurle ported Rc diesel
2.5cc BB frog from the 50s and 60s
1.5cc Frog with forward and rear induction 2 separate engines
a davis diesel head for 7.5 cc supertigre engines.
1.5cc TBR PAW.
Aurora and sharma 3.5 and 3.2 cc engines.and k-mills
I also got a 0.5cc Dc dart engine which i am trying to get repaired.
Love diesels,


Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines.
-Enzo Ferrari



@ RC wish. I dont want to buy a new engine. Would like to buy a second hand, which will cut the cost upto a large extents.
Cost factor is the only reason :-\. I merely have any financial support in my hobby from anyone. :(

I can take off and fly well. Its landing which sucks :banghead::banghead:


In response to #12. RC Vish,
Could you please scan and send me the relevant magazine pages or let me know which magazine and which month (including page numbers) so that I could source them?
Per my information K&B never made a 2.5cc diesel neither does MECOA (which produce K&B now) Similarly Kalper never made a diesel of that displacement. And once again all my knolwedge and research on Merco 2.5 cc diesel came to naught.
On second thought could it be that all the engines (especially the Merco and K&B) you refer were converted from glow to diesel? This would make it possible for existance of these engines but rpm's.... I am still skeptical. 
Per my discussions elsewhere with some diesel guru's it appears that a 2.5 cc diesel turning that prop at 14K is not possible.
I have referenced an article from 1957 AM where in  an Enya 15 diesel was reviewed by RH Warring. From the figures it is seen that the engine could swing a 7x6 or an 8x4 to near about 14K. with a 10x4 the rpm is quoted as 8K.  So even if it is a really hot and high revving engine the figures may go up another 2K or so not to 14K.
Would wait to hear from you
If you are really into scale you should be here. www.rcscalebuilder.com


The best would be to contact
1. Your local air wing NCC instructor who may give away to you an old broken engine if you are lucky few of them may be used to cannabalise parts to make one complete.
2. Contact Sharma models who may give away an old unused sharma engine to you on a very low cost or maybe even free
3. Contact Aurora in Kolkata for same as 2 above 
If you are really into scale you should be here. www.rcscalebuilder.com


will surely get you the the copy...!! and it is ED engines i guess not K&B  :headscratch: ( read the magzine 2 years back...) will confirm and get to you ...!!
:salute: :salute:
Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines.
-Enzo Ferrari



thanks RC wish. Ill talk to Sharma diesels and local ncc wing sqadron. I dont know how to contact Aurora diseal? any contacts.. please help
I can take off and fly well. Its landing which sucks :banghead::banghead:


i got a diesel spare dont know if it will work..!! pm me your shipping details..!! will send it to u..!!

Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines.
-Enzo Ferrari



@RC wish
Thank you sir, I have pmd my shipping address..
I can take off and fly well. Its landing which sucks :banghead::banghead:


@flyingboxcar: sorry i was wrong about the conclusion....(i had read it long back).. :banghead: :banghead:

MARZ 2.5D turns 8X4 APC at 14,700rpm...!!

     you can read these for the time..!!!




PS: the extract (pic) is from the second like..!!! :salute: :salute:
Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines.
-Enzo Ferrari



Quote from: abhay1290 on May 27, 2011, 02:19:16 AM
thanks RC wish. Ill talk to Sharma diesels and local ncc wing sqadron. I dont know how to contact Aurora diseal? any contacts.. please help
Dont' bother about this source. The contact is hobby centre at Kolkata- the original mecca of indian aeromodelling. I have got a fair number of old/reconditioned deisels from Rishi.


Never mind R/C Vish. It happens to all of us. More to me than you, more the gray hairs higher are the chances ;-)   
If you are really into scale you should be here. www.rcscalebuilder.com