Want used/new locomotives— student on budget here

Started by CGudapati, March 24, 2013, 09:45:15 AM

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Dear fellow model railroad enthusiasts,

I am a student studying my engineering in Chennai and I was wondering if anybody would like to sell me a used/new loco. I am looking for HO scale and my current budget is 2000 only. I know I can never get a decent working new loco for that amount but if there are some collectors in and around Chennai, who can be generous enough to give me a loco for that rate, I will be eternally indebted to you guys.



I might have one but first I have to check the old toy box.  I know I had a couple of HO scale locos one time, don't if they got lost or what.  Do you have Paypal?


Stretch your budget a bit more and you can buy an entire set (brand new) for Rs.4000/-. Check this out:


CAUTION: I do not know the OLX poster and cannot guarantee or vouch for the posting.

@thealabres, in case you find some more engines or rolling stock that you would like to dispose off, please let me know.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


The engine looks small. I already got a job in Mumbai and I am starting in July. I just need a good loco for now.


DO you have paypal
No sir,
But I can do bank deposit or any kind of offline payment which is comfortable to you.


wish you would have told me that two years ago.  I gave away about 30 cars (mint, collectable Athearns, bachcman, etc) just to let some ids enjoy them.  Better than them sitting in a box, unplayed with.


Quote from: theleabres on March 24, 2013, 11:12:13 AM
wish you would have told me that two years ago.  I gave away about 30 cars (mint, collectable Athearns, bachcman, etc) just to let some ids enjoy them.  Better than them sitting in a box, unplayed with.

It just makes me feel very sad. Anyway, I got a decently job  and i wish to create great layouts. The only problem is, space. Rents in Mumbai are very high.
